All You Need to Know about Facial Rejuvenation
Rejuvenation – this is a topic that comes back to us regularly during skincare, at every televised gala, and even every year on our birthdays. We wonder which cosmetics to use to make our skin look younger in the blink of an eye. This is an effective way, especially when we look at the issue of skin aging holistically as we do in the January challenge!
What Ages Our Skin?
Before we start taking steps to “turn back” time, we need to take a moment to understand the factors that cause skin aging. Of course, age comes to our mind in the first place, and it is the most logical conclusion. But it’s not the only thing that affects the look of our skin in 5, 10, or 20 years.
1. Time
Of course, that’s where we have to start. So how does time affect our skin? Even before the age of thirty, the production of collagen and elastin – the two most important support fibers that are responsible for its structure – decreases. The skin becomes less elastic and less firm, which, combined with constant facial expressions – and thus movements of subcutaneous muscles – makes changes more visible:
- The appearance of fine wrinkles, especially around the eyes, nasolabial folds, lines between the eyebrows (the so-called lion’s wrinkle) or on the forehead
- Gradual drooping of the upper eyelid
- Mouth drooping (this can give the face a dissatisfied look)
- Loss of the general outline (oval) of the face – our cheeks will also fall, the profile of the jaw will become less clear
Many comparisons can be made to illustrate this process, but in short – the skin simultaneously loses its ability to maintain and return to its original shape.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with wrinkles. Many of us even love them because they can be a reminder of how much we’ve been through in life!
How to protect yourself from them? The short answer is: you can’t. But the longer one is: proper care! Let’s not be fooled by claims that anything can “stop” the aging process, because it happens in our body constantly. However, we can reach for care that will reverse their effects or slow them down. Cosmetics that stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as those that improve skin tone, relax muscles and smooth wrinkles will be our friends!
2. Genetic Predispositions
Naturally, we can’t forget about genes because they govern every process that takes place in our body. Some of us will tend to age earlier, while others maintain a youthful appearance for a long time without effort. Just as it is easier for some and harder for others to control weight, the skin of some of us will produce collagen and elastin longer.
But, amazingly, genes account for only 20% of how we age! As much as 80% of this process is influenced by factors that we absolutely can control (to a greater or lesser extent). Among them are those described below.
How to protect yourself from them? Here, as in the case of time, there is little we can do. We cannot change our genes. However, we can influence their effects, that is, increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin, and ensure that our care protects us from other factors mentioned in this text!
3.Environmental Pollution
Smog, smoke, fumes, dust, heavy metals – these words come back over and over again every winter. What is suspended in the air, especially in cities, is a threat not only to our lungs, but also to our skin during the heating season.
Also, makeup can often be classified as “pollution” – after all, it’s also foreign substances that have long-term contact with our skin. That doesn’t mean we have to stop using it immediately, but we do need to remember to keep it safe for the skin and wash it off every night.
If we’re lucky (and the hydrolipid layer is intact), the consequences of prolonged exposure to pollutants can be limited to dry skin, a few imperfections, blemishes, blackheads or maybe irritation. However, it takes little for the action of harmful external factors to increase the risk or exacerbate the symptoms of skin diseases such as eczema, “full-blown” acne, skin allergies or even cancer.
How to protect yourself from them? If we cannot completely avoid pollution because, for example, we live in a city, we can protect our skin from its influence and ensure that it does not come into contact with it too much. So let’s remember about regular and thorough facial cleansing, both classic washing and thorough make-up removal. Let’s also choose care cosmetics that will help us rebuild the hydrolipid layer of the skin. This is our first and best protection against external factors and skin dryness!
4.UV Radiation
Perhaps some of you are surprised that I’ve mentioned UV in January, since it is a problem for the summer. Nothing could be further from the truth – in the summer the level of UV B type is actually higher, but UVA, which accounts for as much as 95% of ultraviolet radiation, is at the same level all year round!
Still too few of us remember to protect our skin against UV in winter. UVA penetrates easily through the clouds, but also into the skin, so year-round protection should be the basis of care on a par with moisturizing. Its lack can lead to premature aging of the skin, pigmentation changes, oxidative stress and even cancer. Although it does not lead to redness (burns) like UVB, it makes it even more dangerous because we do not see its impact right away.
How to protect yourself from it? Fortunately, UV protection is quite simple, we have to use cosmetics with filters every day, especially when we plan to stay outside for a longer time. Skiing trips, holidays, even longer walks – filters should always accompany us!
5.Oxidative Stress
First of all – what is it? Oxidative stress is a condition in our skin caused by the presence of an excessive number of free radicals. Free radicals are atoms (usually oxygen) that lack an electron, and this is an undesirable situation for that atom. Such oxygen will therefore strive to regain equilibrium and will look for the missing electron. If it takes it away from another oxygen, it becomes stable but creates a free radical instead. But it can also take it away from the atom that is the building block of the protein in our skin, and then this protein breaks down.
Where do free radicals come from? They are usually natural waste products in our cells. They also perform important functions in our body, for example, they are used by our immune system. However, their level is meticulously controlled by our body so that they cannot harm us. If this balance is disturbed, it can cause oxidative stress, i.e. a lot of unwanted reactions that can even result in cancer.
How to protect yourself from it? Protection against oxidative stress consists primarily in balancing the level of free radicals in the skin (and in the body). Fortunately, there are many substances such as vitamins C, A, E, beta-carotene, and plant extracts that we can use in diet and care, and which help to increase the amount of antioxidants! Fresh fruit, which I love to remind you about every season, are at the forefront here in terms of availability and effectiveness!
6.Diet,Lifestyle and Addictions
A healthy lifestyle is part of each of the challenges we take on together. It is no different this time! A balanced diet, rich in the least processed products, provides nutrients that our skin can use – the building blocks of collagen and elastin, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, microelements. On the other hand, a diet in which there are too many processed foods, including fried foods, full of saturated fatty acids, salt, preservatives, and poor in vegetables, fruit, groats, vitamins, can cause accelerated aging of the skin, but also loss of its color and healthy appearance.
And addictions are never good as too much of anything in life is usually harmful. However, some are worse for the skin than others: smoking or excess alcohol have a very negative effect on our skin!
How to protect yourself from them? Here the answer is easy and difficult at the same time – it would be ideal to remember about a healthy, balanced diet, hydration and exercise, and at the same time give up highly processed food and stimulants such as alcohol and tobacco. What may be simple for some, however, may mean a thorough rebuilding of habits for others. Unfortunately, proper care can help here only to some extent, but it won’t solve the problems. That’s exactly why we organize regular challenges! I believe that together we will be able to overcome what is bad for our health and appearance!
The biggest problem of our time
I’ve decided to devote a separate section to it, because it is extremely important. Ithas been called one of the main diseases of our time, it has a wide negative impact on our bodies and psyche. It accompanies most of us every day, leads to numerous problems. What is this?
Chronic, persistent stress leads to the weakening of the body at every level. Our immunity drops, we feel weak, night regeneration is disturbed because we sleep badly, we lack energy, we experience pain, the amount of free radicals increases, we sometimes eat too little, too much or improperly … The skin also suffers from it, loses radiance and healthy color, the level of collagen decreases, the hydrolipid layer is disturbed.
As you can see, stress amplifies the negative effects of each of the factors we listed earlier! So how can you fight it? After all, it cannot be completely eliminated – these days there will always be things that will rush us and test our endurance.
Believe it or not, proper care can be part of the answer here too!
Anti-Aging Care – what will be the best?
Let’s look at what we have to face to rejuvenate our skin and slow down the aging process:
- The influence of time – loss of firmness, wrinkles
- Natural decrease in the production of elastin and collagen
- Environmental pollution
- UV radiation and its effects
- Free radicals
- Stress
So we start the care in the morning with proper skin cleansing. I use Absolute Pure(ness) foam or Clean’em All gell by Phlov – or both, to make sure my skin is properly cleansed. Both products are great at refreshing the skin, washing away impurities and protecting the hydrolipid coat.
Moisturizing is also an essential step – without water, our body is unable to carry out any key processes! Therefore, if I have some more time, I put on the Pump Up The Beauty instantly beautifying mask, which not only provides the skin with an even, healthy color, but also, thanks to the Detox Booster BIO complex, provides a lot of antioxidants that protect it against free radicals.
I also like to use the Newborn Star booster with vegetable bakuchiol, a solid dose of vitamin C and natural oils. It is a boost of energy and antioxidants and a great complement to the skin’s hydrolipid barrier.
Finally, I apply one of the creams – Smart Splash or Diamond Look, if I feel like a bit of illumination. Both provide the skin with a lot of active ingredients and a decent dose of hydration that will help protect it from the negative influence of the environment!
The evening ritual is just as important and obviously I begin with makeup removal. I make sure not to stretch or press the delicate skin around the eyes too much, just put a cotton pad soaked in makeup remover to the eyelids, hold for a moment and gently wipe off the eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow!
The next step is to wash your face – yes, removing makeup alone is not enough! Especially if we use micellar water, which must be rinsed off the skin. Again, I reach for foam, gel, or both if it’s been a particularly busy day or I’ve spent a lot of time outside (especially in winter).
When I have some me time, I reach for clay masks from the Smooth My Skin line. I match them to the needs of my skin and use either one of them, or two or three in the multimasking method. That gives me about 15 minutes where I can unwind and pick up a book, listen to music, or just think and meditate on the whole day, focusing on all the positive parts of it. This helps me relax and calm down.
After removing the mask, I like to massage some oil into the skin – either Very Superberry or Flower Yourself. It’s a great idea to combine its application with a facial massage with a roller or a Gua Sha plate – such a treatment will improve the absorption of active substances, as well as help relax tense muscles, improve lymph flow and restore skin tension!
Finally, I apply a thin layer of the Kisses From The Moon night mask before bedtime so that my skin can get the maximum benefit from its regeneration while sleeping. This cosmetic restores the skin’s proper circadian rhythm, smoothes wrinkles and improves the skin’s architecture, thanks to which it looks younger in the morning!
I hope you’ve taken up the rejuvenation challenge with me and it’ll make you feel younger! Remember that a balanced diet and proper skin protection will result in your skin looking radiant, young and healthy for a long time!
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