Fear of Childbirth in a Pandemic
It turns out that for many people the ongoing situation is a huge challenge, especially for pregnant women, and mainly for those who are to be mothers for the first time. I often think about you!
I know that now you need more security than ever before to be able to prepare for this important day. Your thoughts constantly revolve around health, staying calm, and safe delivery.
Meanwhile, we’re in the midst of all kinds of media reports about the situation of the coronavirus pandemic in the world. You even start to feel more and more anxious in your own town, which seemed so far away from it all.
This is not the scenario you have imagined for this beautiful period. It was supposed to be a time of care, support, understanding, and being together.
However, today the world has stopped and suddenly our ideas and plans have been verified. It was supposed to be a family delivery with your closest ones… And now it seems you’re going to have to give birth and recover all by yourself without your loved ones close by.
This is a SACRIFICE, and who but MOM can best understand the meaning of this word. We are able to do anything for our children and I know that we can all make it because we are much stronger than we realize. Even if we find it really hard, we know that this is just fear mixed with uncertainty. But it will pass.
It will pass, because luckily we are aware how we can affect the situation and react to what is happening around us. It might seem very difficult but everything depends on us.
And, my dear ones, I understand it perfectly well… It is to a large extent thanks to your messages that I realize that we are not alone in this. We will overcome the fear because we know the power of mutual support and positive thinking. Think of this time as a challenge that we will face with our heads up in spite of unfavorable conditions. The strength of women is great, we have proven it many times.
You are not alone!
Finally, all you moms-to-be out there, remember that you are not and will never be alone. You will get a lot of support not only from the doctors but also from the entire staff, including midwives who will be there with you and your little one.
Try to get rid of such thoughts as “what will happen if …”
Focus on the ongoing beautiful moment and try to think about the positives, smaller or bigger ones, because you will definitely find them in the whole situation. Meanwhile, spend peaceful moments at home, recharge your batteries because you are about to need some turbo power soon!
Simple activities and things that can help you:
- Having a bath
- Listening to music
- Reading books
- Exercising – if you can
- Preparing the room for your baby
- Talking to people who arouse positive emotions in you – you only need those now
- Taking care of yourself and your loved ones
- Trusting yourself
- Smiling
The most important thing is to give up your fears and trust someone. Who? Only you can answer this question…
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