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Spring and holidays! Everything will turn green soon, plants will start to grow and look for the sun.
Dears, whatever the reason for celebration is - let it be the Resurrection or spring - I just want to wish you happiness, joy, warmth of family love, smiles and love.
Last weekend was amazing. I came to my hometown - Lodz - on Friday. I don't really visit Lodz often so I'm always amazaed by the changes that take place there.
Just one sentence for you today. Carl Gustaw Jung once said:
And here's a video from the Winter Camp.
I recently bumped on a friend that I haven’t seen for a while. We’ve met in a shop.
I prepare myself for each and every camp like it was the first one. The same amount of stress and concern. And I get rewarded - every other camp is different and suprising.
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