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So, autumn has already started and the radiators are on. Let's also help our organisms adjust to the cold. Raw vegetables and fruit should be replaced with baked veggies for example. Remember that root vegetables are excellent for warming up!
Do you often have no idea what to eat between meals? Something healthy and slightly sweet?
I found this recipe deeply hidden in my archives :). I’m glad to have found it and I’ll willingly make use of it tomorrow, because such a vegetable plate means a colourful yummy meal!
Why wonderful? Because the spices I used to make this salad are the best anticancer ones.
We should eat more fruit because the weather is hot, so it is good to cool the body in this way. It is best to eat fruit alone or in salads and as juice. But remember, do not add sugar!
Let’s benefit from the summer, let’s eat fresh fruit and vegetables – they contain a lot more vitamins and minerals needed for life than those from greenhouses, stored long or processes.
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