Girls Power!
Dear Women!
Instead of a tulip I have wishes for you 🙂
To begin with, we shall never forget that us – women have the strenght!
We often hear and repeat the phrase “I am only a woman,” how about saying instead : “I am a strong woman” – just one word, a huge difference;)
All we need is harmony and balance, but also self-confidence, understanding, support and faith.
- If we can focus on our strengths and take care of it every day – we have this power.
- If we can recognize and accept our weaknesses and we want to work on them – we have this power.
- If we can share the good word with others, to support, to help, to love, while not envy – we are GREAT!
Do you lack self-confidence and self-acceptance?
Perhaps because we are focusing on non-essential matters, we allow them to divert attention from what really matters. Looking at something up close, we see only the selected part, and we should bear in mind the whole picture.
Not all of us believe in our potential, skills and intellect. Lowering our value we build a strong lock, which sometimes prevent us from action. We are occasionally, or worse, we are constantly insecure.
To gain more traction … let’s take a step back and maybe even two.
It is the worth working on yourself to be able to open another doors without fear.
It has been proven that the more self-confident people earn 12% more by doing the same as the less confident people. Remember that often the academic knowledge does not necessarily translate into what we really know and we can, and certainly does not affect how we cope in everyday life.
Confident woman is not the one who every day feel great and always has the best opinion about herself, is always happy and is sprinkling with stardust … 🙂 Each of us has bad days, each may stumble or even fall over but the most important thing is to get up, flick the knees, wipe away the tears and move one step ahead.
We always have our “BUT” true ?;)
It is our inner ambition, and sometimes intuition. We know how to distinguish good from evil. we have our beliefs, fears and doubts. We know when the situation is really difficult, but we are not giving up, but we are looking for solutions. We can appreciate and be kind, regardless of day and mood.
When additionally we will find CONFIDENCE, it will help us not only to accept, but also to love one another, it will help to cross our own boundaries and succeed! With the best features and being strong we are motivated, determined, positive, we believe in that our capabilities infect positive energy, glowing smile, we are brave … and for that we are loved!
Now let’s have some fun 🙂
Imagine situations and do the job:
Select the color and write your strengths. Read them loud.
Passed the exams in college with a good result / I was promoted to a higher position at work
- I didnt give up when I had a crisis in science / didnt give up when I was working on the new, difficult project – I am strong
- I kept my order and went to lectures / kept my decisions, worked efficiently and gave it 100% – I am hardworking
- I made a study plan / I created a work plan, project – I can manage my time.
- I am intelligent, organized, strong, patient and hardworking
TASK 2 practice:)
Try to be:
- Sure of what you are doing
- Sure of what you say
- Sure of what you feel
- Sure of what you think
- and …. enjoy your life, accept yourself!
Give yourself more rest beautiful woman! You decide about your comfort!
With this optimistic finish Dear Women – I wish to both you and myself, a lot of strength, confidence and a smile every day!
Because WE have to stick together and support each other!
Have a nice day!
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