New DIET BY ANN! Diet for people who want to gain weight!
Although we are constantly talking about the obesity, I know that there are people among us who are trying to gain weight.
Underweight is just as serious as excess weight. The best way to determine if our weight is right is a BMI (Body Mass Index). It is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the square meter in meters. If your score is in the range of 18.5-24.99 then congratulations, everything is all right :)! The score between 25-29.99 is overweight and above is already obesity.
However, if your score does not exceed 18.5 it means you are underweight and at this point I suggest you help yourself!
I get really many questions about a diet suitable for people who for various reasons want to gain weight and I see that sometimes it is more difficult than fighting thr extra weight
Let’s get to work! Everything can be fixed!.
Why is being underweight so dangerous to your health?
This is primarily a very large destruction of the body. If we do not provide our body with the proper fuel to function, we become weak and not immune to disease.
According to the WHO. Being Underweight is most often a disorder of people who abuse drugs or alcohol and do not care of themselves because of mental problems or low social status. The letters I receive show that the mass of people does not belong to the mentioned group and yet can not reach the correct weight.
Low weight is a result of disorders of the body, primarily hormonal but also disorders of the immune system. The body does not have the proper resistance to protect itself against diseases and viruses, and in the longer term it can cause anemia, skin degradation, acne, vision problems, weak hair and nails. Drowsiness, apathy, constant fatigue, rapid fatigue, headaches, migraines, digestive problems, food intolerance, intestinal dysfunction, lack of proper microflora in the body, menstrual disorders, persistent inflammation, parasites. People who suffer from low body weight are more likely to die than obese people.
What should you do to gain weight?
It is not as easy as it may seem, but heads up, you can do this!
Keep a balanced diet and provide your body with all nutrients, follow the nutrition pyramid, and use as many different products as possible to consume all the essential vitamins and minerals. Most importantly, the meals are high in calories and full of nutrition (I wrote about it HERE). Keep a positive energy balance.
Eat at regular intervals, 5-6-7 meals a day, providing adequate macronutrients: protein, fats and carbohydrates and minerals and vitamins. Your daily meal requirements should take the following proportions:
- 15-25% protein
- 25-35% fat
- 45-55% carbohydrates
To gain weight provide more calories to your body than it needs to cover your primary metabolism and physical activity we had on a given day.
Stop eating junk food and processed foods that apart from calories have countless amounts of salt, saturated and trans fats, simple sugars, but no nutritional value. Not the right way! If you want to safely gain on weight, avoid unsaturated fatty acids.
Remember about healthy snacks such as:
- Nuts rich in proteins and fats
- High fructose fruits – banana, grapes
- Peanut butter
- Frutis cocktails with coconut milk
- Desserts (sample menu: number 1 , number 2 , or bars from Foods by Ann)
- homemade nutella
- desserts with avocado and banana as well as cocoa and dried frutis
Use natural sources of protein: choose both fat and lean
- fish
- meat
- seafood
- egg
- choose red meat
Allow yourself to carbohydrates such as smoothies, fruit juices and vegetable juices instead of water. Use honey and do not deny yourself desserts, but remember to be healthy and best to prepare yourself (recipe TUTAJ).
Exclude carbonated drinks and very spicy spices that can irritate the stomach.
Avoid caffeine and nicotine as they stimulate metabolism.
Before a meal, drink a glass of juice to stimulate appetite.
ADDITIONALLY remember about physical activity. To build muscle mass do not forget to work with … weight .. yes, yes – its this time;) train systematically increasing the load. Do not be afraid to ask the trainer at the gym for help, pay special attention to the technique – it’s the key to success. Training 2-3 times a week will bring results! Train strength or interval-force (increasing the number of repetitions).
Start by calculating your caloric needs from the Harris Benedict formula for basal metabolic rate
- PPM x 1,2 Inactive lifestyle (no exercise)
- PPM X 1,4 Rarely active lifestyle
- PPM X 1,55 Moderately active lifestyle (walking, etc.)
- PPM x 1,7-1,9 Active lifestyle (exercise 3-5 times a week)
- PPM x 2,0 -2,1 Very active lifestyle (5-6 times a week exercises and physical work)
- PPM x 2,2-2,4 professional athlete
I know, I know, it’s not all that easy …
You need to set up a diet for macronutrients, an energy calculator and many other data, as well as valuable tips from dieticians. It is a process that requires perseverance, knowledge and good preparation. I’m here to help you!
By creating a diet directed to those who want to gain weight I was careful in order for the diet to be properly balanced and interesting. That’s exactly what Diet by Ann is. First of all its safe for health … but I never forget to meet the expectations of your taste buds 🙂
It is located on my site >> https://dieta.hpba.pl
I have a diet for you that is tailored to your needs, exercise sets and recipes for tasty dishes. Everything in order to bring you to good health and even better mood.
Trust me again, also this time I will not let you down! 🙂
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Hej Aniu,
Czy w wersji na przytycie jest tez opcja zaznaczenia jakie sie ma alergie? Zeby wykluczac te przepisy, ktore moga zaszkodzic? Nie moge znalezc nigdzie informacji, a chcialabym sprobowac Twoich pomyslow. Niestety mam intolerancje laktozy i nie jest latwo znlezc takie przepisy.