A Balanced Diet and Blood Test Results
As you know, a nationwide educational campaign called Health With No Excuses! was held recently and it included the possibility of having blood tests for free (complete blood count, lipidogram, glucose) offered by my healthy SuperMenu diet catering.
Why do I encourage you so much to have regular checkups? Because I receive lots of messages from you in which you describe various, often very disturbing symptoms. Drowsiness, fatigue, edema problems, constant thirst, frequent urination, and high blood pressure. I show you with my everyday actions how to holistically take care of your body and lead a healthy lifestyle. That’s why I want to give you one valuable tip: start with preventive blood tests. It’s crucial!
How can a balanced diet improve blood test results?
According to the philosophy of healthy life, which I follow every day, a proper diet is one of the foundations of health. A balanced, properly designed diet plan can improve the results of blood tests, and thus transfers into the improvement of the condition of your body. It is enough to include appropriate products and minerals in your daily menu. What does it actually mean? Through the products we consume, we provide the body not only with the energy it needs to function properly, but also with numerous macro and microelements that are responsible for metabolism, our immunity and the proper functioning of the hormonal economy.
- Diabetes / pre-diabetes – a disturbing signal that should make us check the level of blood glucose is, among others, constant thirst and frequent urination. Depending on the type and severity of the disease, one of the treatments is to follow an appropriate, balanced diet. It is worth paying attention to the fats, carbohydrates, and proteins contained in the products we consume.
- Low blood iron levels – if you feel constantly tired and sleepy, it may be due to anemia. Therefore, you should check iron levels by taking a complete blood count. If you have anemia, you should include iron-rich products, including meat, fish, and processed meat in your diet. It will also be a good idea to add foods rich in vitamin C, which supports better absorption of iron.
- High cholesterol – if you want to check the cholesterol level, you should make a lipid profile. If high cholesterol is left untreated, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases. Therefore, the key is to limit the consumption of saturated fatty acids. It is also worth following a diet rich in such products as fruit, pasta, and whole grain bread, which not only lower cholesterol, but also increase the level of folic acid, vitamins B6, B12 and vitamin C.
Basic, preventive blood tests, such as complete blood count, lipid profile or glucose level should be performed at least once a year. It would be good if they became one of our good habits! 🙂 Remember that when you know your blood parameters, you can find out what the condition of your body is, whether there are any deficiencies that can be supplemented with a properly balanced diet.
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