Shape body action! How to warm up before running
Warm up exercises are a necessary before every training, I mentioned that many times.
You need to prepare your body to physical effort. A warm up makes your body temperature slightly higher, makes your muscles more flexible, increases the use of carbohydrates, raises hormone levels, adjusts mechanisms of using oxygen and the vascular-lymphatic system to physical activity, improves lubrication effect of the synovial fluid.
How to warm up before running?
At first, dynamically, choose (for a few minutes):
- running in place with knees lifting
- trotting
- skipping rope/jumping
Next, a series of circles and twists:
- head and arms circles (you can do it while trotting)
- hip circles
- knee circles
- ankle circles
- torso twists with hands on hips will make your backbone more flexible
- as well as side bends with your arm over your head, which will relax your side muscles
And finally, stretching:
- stretch your quadriceps by pulling your foot towards your buttock (take it in turns)
- do squats with arms stretched forward, keep your back straight and thighs horizontally as much as you can
- do steps sideways with bending your knees, hands on knees, deepening the squat (back straight)
- march for a while doing deep lunges, then doing a butt kick
- front, side and back leg swings
After the warm up we should be sweaty a little, have higher pulse, but we shouldn’t be tired.
Ready? Steady? Go! 🙂
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