“I’m going on longed-for vacation, and nothing’s gonna make me move either my leg or arm even a bit. It’ll be just about eating, sleeping, and umbrella drinks.”
Photos: Adam Mruk
You come home tired with a bonus in the form of extra kilos that you tried so hard to lose before the vacation. Simply put, you’re back where you started.
Just do yourself and me a favor and include physical activity in your vacation life!
Why not? – It’ll help you develop a good habit and improve your health!
Someone who’s a professional athlete certainly does not need any additional motivation, incentive, and explanation. These people continue training while on vacation to work on self-discipline, shape character, and cultivate good habits.
What? You tempted to try? 🙂
That’s super:) Let’s start then with a morning warm-up. It may be 15 minutes of functional training or a 3-kilometer run (on an empty stomach; you can drink only a glass of water beforehand). You have a swimming pool or something more natural, like a lake, close to you? Then go and have a morning swim.
Other suggestions?
Work out before breakfast using, e.g., the Nike Training Club app, or give the “Friends Training” program a try with your vacation companion.
You’re in the mountains? Then admire the beautiful views, while trekking, jogging, or riding a bike!
One of my favorite ways to burn fat during vacation is circuit training. Here’s how it works: I’m taking the latex bands from Thera-Band with me together with bottles of water to serve as weights, and good music. I put on the right tunes and get to work. Keep in mind that a training like this improves metabolism.
The “I have no time” excuse doesn’t work here, as finally you do have it!
And quit whining with “I don’t feel like it” – all you need to do is just start doing it!
Give it a try, it’s really worth it!
Keep your body pretty when your vacation’s over, too.
Here’s a workout program I recommend:
– 10 minutes of warm-up or running
– Circuit training:
- Jump rope or shadow-box
- Squats
- Chair dip (a triceps exercise)
- Side lunges while holding bottles in both hands
- Do crunches while lying – with your legs held up straight (so that they form a 90-degree angle with the floor). Using your fingers, try to reach your toes.
- Burpees – my favorite 🙂
- Jump squats
- Ordinary push-ups or alternatively women’s ones (the knees are bent)
- Mountain climber – raise your left knee to your right elbow
- Exercises for the lower abs. Lie flat on your back, keep arms at your sides, legs straight, raised up. Lower your legs (without touching the ground) and then get them back up so that they form an angle of 90 degrees with the floor.
- Stretching
Perform each of the exercises for 1 minute. Repeat every circuit 3 times.
To work! I suggest also complementing it with morning jogging, which I love to little pieces!
Start working out for 15 minutes a day with my new 15/7 DVD.
On it, you’ll find a different workout routine for each day of the week: cardio, a challenge workout, abdominal workout, exercises for legs and buttocks, back and shoulder training, set of exercises for pairs, and stretching. These routines will allow you to achieve different fitness goals. Enough excuses – come on, you can find fifteen minutes for exercises every day! Plus, since it’s only 15 minutes, you won’t be able to either get bored or tired. And I guarantee that it will leave you craving for more :).
Think about it: it’s only 15 minutes! You can do it, even if sport has just entered your life. It didn’t work out the first time for some reason? No worries! Keep exercising – both your skills and form will get better with every day.
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