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Sweet potatoes. Why should we eat them? What are the health benefits?
It happens that a person suffering from obesity switches to a healthy lifestyle and there are no effects. It happens that a person suffering from migraine is treated neurologically and effects are not there.
Recently I devoted a few words to liver and health troubles which can lead to over-burdening of this important organ.
How about pancakes for lunch? Who does not like pancakes :), so why not?
Pregnancy ... It's that beautiful time when no matter of better or worse moods, laughter or emotion on watching washing powder advertising, we and our family, can unanimously say - so I'm "blessed ," so even unnatural behaviors become normal: )
If I have a choice usually I prepare my meals steamed. The prepared food is easy to digest, it's not losing large amounts of vitamins and minerals, quickly soften and their preparation does not require oil for heating. I prefer in this case adding fat at the end when the dish is ready.
Your body is your gym!
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