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Dear Mum's ! Your / our health is very important :) So from time to time i add recipes, which should be in your menu. About the diet for pregnant women I wrote HERE.
Lunges - correct way of performing the exercise
Often you ask to what I add spirulina or chlorella because you do not have idea how to use it.
There is a winter outside the window, and with it there are very low temperatures ... Maybe that's why it is worth to follow the trail of our ancestors and to adequately protect our bodies from the cold?
Tomorrow its Grandmother's Day! And that Granny is cool , just as mine :)
I have some suggestions for you on how to prepare for winter and deal with the freezing temperature. Of course, I suggest you start in the kitchen.
We enjoy the summer and vegetable as the seasonal gifts. Often we invent dishes that are most welcome once in a while :) However, the basic products also can create a simple and delicious dish or side dish.
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