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The tastiest in the summer are cold sweets. That’s why I tried to make a cold cake, but without cream cheese and eggs. I think I was pretty successful :)
Cellulite has always been a problem for women, even paintings of old masters showing female nudes prove it.
We should eat more fruit because the weather is hot, so it is good to cool the body in this way. It is best to eat fruit alone or in salads and as juice. But remember, do not add sugar!
This what you get when you reach your goals is not as important as this who you become when you...
Lots of women dream of having shapely legs. They are wondering what they could do about it. Do cardio? Change the diet? Lose weight? Sculpt muscles?
Mr Michnikowski used to sing a moving song that goes “Adios pomidory, Adios ulubione…”. Soon I will be singing “Adios asparagus!” That’s unfair that we enjoy asparagus for such a short time!
If you want to practise – do it with THE BEST!
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