Grillowane krewetki na sałatce z awokado

Grilled Shrimps on Avocado Salad

Summer is a good time for light, nutritious meals, full of fresh ingredients. If you are not a fan of shrimps, you can replace them with any fish (e.g. grilled salmon) or cheese (e.g. mozzarella).

A salad like this one is full of goodness for the whole body: antioxidants supporting immunity, the condition of skin, hair and nails; protein necessary for building muscles and unsaturated fatty acids supporting optimal brain function 🙂



I heated the coconut oil in a pan and fried the chopped garlic. Then I added the shrimps, seasoned them with salt and grilled them on both sides. I cut the avocado into cubes and sprinkled it with lemon juice.

Next, I put the spinach into a bowl and added halved tomatoes, dried tomatoes cut into strips, the avocado cubes, and the shrimps on top. Finally, I drizzled the whole thing with olive oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

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