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Let's get to know each other better
picture by: Adam Mruk Whether the next day is going to be good or not depends on the decision made in...
Katrin Kargbo. A member of the Healthy Team. A karate champion. A zumba dancer. Black Mamba.
These few days are special - they are often called "remembrance days". We get together with our families to think and talk about those who passed away. These days are considered as days of sadness.
Stress, a set of biochemical phenomena in our body that are the reaction to a stimulus – stressor, has a huge influence on our health.
You want to take a step forward, you want to change something, you want to try something new. But you can’t.
Do you wonder how to prepare your body and yourself for pregnancy?
How often do you recall your mistakes? How many of them do you consider to be failures?
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