My mum’s salad with dandelion and nettle
Today’ it Mother’s Day! 🙂
On this occasion, besides my wishes, I will share with you my mother’s salad 🙂 This is the recipe for spring health on the plate, because both main plants used in salad are recommended for spring weakening.
Dandelion and nettles can easily be picked up by us – if we have access to the meadow;)
Dandelions and nettles are common plants, considered by many as useless, but these are valuable herbs.
Dandelion has a bile function, so it is used in liver and gall bladder diseases, stones and cirrhosis. It increases the secretion of gastric juice and facilitates digestion, also acts as a diuretic. In the spring it is worth collecting young leaves, of course in a place away from the roads.
Nettle leaves contain, among others some organic acids, vitamins C, K and B2, amino compounds (serotonin, acetylcholine, histamine), chlorophyll and mineral salts. Nettle is hematopoietic. Stimulating the secretion of junk juice improves digestion and assimilation of minerals. It greatly facilitates the removal of harmful metabolic waste products.
Today its recipe for my mom’s salad ,she always did it for us during the early spring:
Salad “Dandelion with nettle”
- handful of young dandelion leaves
- handful of young nettle leaves
- one hard boiled egg
- pickled cucumber ( you can use a fresh one)
- nuts
- olive oil and few drops of lemon
Wash the dandelions and nettles (young nettle does not sting) dry it, shred it and sprinkled with lemon. Add finely chopped eggs, cucumber and nuts.Add salt and oil, you can also add some sunflower seeds.
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