Special Olympics – a lot is happening :)
Special Olympics- a lot is happening and still more to come!
The last few weeks in the Special Olympics Poland was a time of hard work 🙂
There are a lot of event ahead of us. Of course, the most important is sport, that is why only till the end of the year 2016 there will be more than 60 sports competitions at regional and national level. In November, together with the Polish Association of Basketball,Basket League and the League of Women we will inaugurate the Special Olympics European Basketball Week – the next edition of the great feast of basketball, which is one of the most popular team sports in the Special Olympics. In the past year across Europe the Europe Week was attended by more than 18.5 thousand athletes, who participated in sports events in 35 European countries! At the same time the Special Olympics already will prepare for the World Winter Special Olympics Austria 2017. In March next year, more than 60-strong Polish representation of Special Olympics will compete for medals in the most important sporting and humanitarian event of the year 2017! – I will write more about it next time 🙂
Today in Lichen and Konin the XVII Polish Football Tournamnet will start.
its for a 7-person football teams of male and female Special Olympics! The competition will be attended by 260 athletes, representing 26 teams from across Poland!
Football is the most popular sport in the Special Olympics!
Interestingly, football competitions in the Olympics are organized for teams of seven and eleven people.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed and cheer for all competitors!
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