
Going to sauna is a great activity used for detoxification. Staying in high temperature environment helps your muscles relax and improve blood flow.

The body whose temperature is also rising boosts its immune system. Sebaceous glands get rid of the excess of sebum and toxins are removed with sweat. Sauna has relaxing as well as soothing effects, but it’s not good for everyone though. It’s recommended to people with rheumatic disorders, muscle pains and asthma. It’s useful for treating minor colds; we shouldn’t use it to battle against the flu, though. For sure, a sauna bath improves the state of complexion.

Types of saunas:

  • Dry sauna (Swedish): heated even up to 120°C and of low humidity – 10%; usually wooden, a stove with hot stones in the middle of the room, shouldn’t be used more often than once a week.
  • Wet sauna (Finnish): built similarly to the dry one, but the temperature is up to 90°C; high humidity 25-50% is created by pouring water on heated stones; easier to withstand, can be often visited.
  • Steam bath: ensures 50% humidity at the temperature of up to 60°C; there’s a special steam vaporizer that can be used for aromatherapy.

There are also: biosauna, infrared sauna, Russian banya, etc. but they are no that popular. A sauna bath should be paused every several or a dozen or so minutes with a cold shower. After the bath there should be a half an hour rest, preferably in the fresh air. Taking a sauna bath after a workout prevents secretion of lactic acid as sauna helps to regenerate muscular tissue. Sauna bathing helps in losing weight, that’s true. However, the loss of weight after a bath is caused by the loss of water in our organisms.


  • Thread veins
  • Circulatory system disorders, hypertension
  • Pregnancy
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Glaucoma, color-blindness
  • Disorders of central nervous system

When in doubt, it’s recommended to consult your doctor even in the above cases, because individually, sauna can have a beneficial effect instead of doing harm.

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