
Seeing what’s here and now

We are not always able to control what’s going on around us, but we have an impact on how we react to it!

The sentence A sound mind in a sound body should guide you at present. We have all been put in a difficult situation, but it is not hopeless 🙂 And that’s what I want to write about today. As people, we have the right to a moment of sadness and depression, but we have an even greater right to smile, joy, and happiness. We are all now full of strong emotions and feelings, but try to put them in the right direction. We can show ourselves and others that there is always a good solution. Eventually, after every storm the sun will shine. 🙂

A situation which forces you to stay at home is something unusual and new… Many of you feel stress, fear, or terror. You are confused, once you are afraid, at other times you feel that everything will be all right. There is a lot of information from around the world. You look up updates on the current epidemiological situation all the time… Is it better or is the number of infections higher?

My dear ones, I can only advise you to focus on the PRESENT MOMENT!

Focus on the positive side of things 🙂 Look for good emotions and situations around you. I know this is not easy, but it’s worth trying to switch your attention to other things.




Nothing happens without a reason

Now we finally have time to reflect, a time that many people couldn’t find before.

We see that in current circumstances we are equal. The heroes of our country are such great people as doctors, nurses, epidemiological station employees, saleswomen and salesmen in shops, couriers and many other people whom we are extremely grateful for. It is thanks to them that we are able function in these difficult conditions.

Take a look at all this from another, positive side… 🙂


According to the statistics:

  • a huge number of people recover, 
  • the course of the disease is not life-threatening in the vast majority of patients. 


Of course, social distancing that we should now maintain is the most important goal of our actions. We should take the situation seriously and #stayathome for the good of us all.

I don’t know what it looks like in your case, but I can’t remember when I last spent so much time with my family 🙂 We are locked up at home, we invent some extra activities that bring us joy. I’m not saying that everyday is easy and colorful, because you miss this different kind of an ordinary day, with friends, work, etc, but if you change the attitude, you will see a lot of good in this 24/7 family life. Try to make the most  of it with your families, enjoy the warmth and closeness, use it to do what you could never find the time for.

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