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If I write that every day you should eat as many vegetables as possible, it will be a cliché of a cliché.
On hot summer days, you really, really don’t feel like standing and cooking in the kitchen.
If somebody asked me what vegetable I am, I’d say, without hesitation, that I’m a beet. ;)
You can still find it here and there! Not only does Asparagus, because this is the vegetable in question, taste fantastically, but it is also rich in nourishment.
I wrote some time ago that I’m going back to eating meat. It turned out that my body of an athlete needs animal protein. I happen to often go with beef, because it contains the least calories among red meats and has the smallest amount of saturated fatty acids.
Today, we’ll have a soup – a cream of the most popular vegetables. It is a dish for all year round, as these vegetables are also available in winter.
I have written about the properties of potatoes quite recently – HERE . But it is worth reminding ourselves of their qualities, because they still are largely underappreciated.
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