The New Year… and New Goals
How to achieve our dreams?
More and more often I meet women who reach for their dreams, and we all dream about different things: some decide to pursue a business career and succeed, some make bold decisions to quit their job and stay at home with the kids, others change their old habits and invest in their self-development. The so-called ‘weaker sex’ becomes more and more powerful, develops professionally and achieves goals. You go girls!!!
I am happy for all the achievements of the women in my family, my friends as well as every stranger who’s had the courage to try and succeeded!
I know that success means something different to us all, but one thing is sure: it’s hard work, often endless 😉
Not long ago I wouldn’t even have dreamt of running 5 businesses and of all the things that have happened to me. That’s why I would like to set an example for every girl who sometimes loses her confidence. You can see that everything is possible.
Every day I take on many roles in my professional and private life. In an interview I was once asked which of these roles is of highest importance to me. I answered that the role of a mother and a wife, but apart from what’s most important, I also have several other parts to play which involve lots of duties, such as the president of Special Olympics or running 5 companies, which I love. I am also a trainer, a motivator, a dietitian, a daughter and a friend. Every day we, women, take on many roles and the important thing is to find joy and satisfaction in them.
The New Year is a time when I always make a list of goals and questions: “what else can I do?”, “what do I dream about?”, “what results do I expect?”, “who am I doing it for”, “WHAT ARE MY GOALS?”.
My main driving forces are: personal fulfillment, ambition, the will to develop myself, but also adrenaline, and the key word here is: PERSONAL FULFILLMENT. Sport can teach me that. SIMPLE AS THAT.
My professional life has many faces… each one of them is my personal reason to be proud that I succeeded, that I didn’t give up on any of the stages. In retrospect, I see the difficult beginning, the winding road, and I am grateful I could learn from experienced people who helped me find my place in the world of business which, as we all know, can be hard and not that pretty.
I have learned a few rules how to achieve goals in business and… not go crazy 🙂
- Let’s be role models for ourselves – if you are sure of what you are doing or want to achieve, do not let yourself be persuaded that it is different. Listen to yourself, follow your intuition.
- Let’s set ourselves bars, just like in sport – success is very hard work (often overtime), but don’t forget to get some rest and regenerate yourself ?
- Let’s appreciate the work and dedication of others – the competence and responsibility of our employees is priceless, we all work hard for success so let them know about it. The same applies to the family, our loved ones also need praise. It’s positive motivation which works wonders.
- Listen to others – after all, more ideas mean a broader view of the situation.
- Look before you leap – when we feel we don’t have adequate/sufficient skills or we lack time, we should assign the tasks to employees who are competent in this field. We can’t do everything ourselves.
- Working women are not afraid of any jobs ?
- We should keep developing – gain new competences and skills thanks to which we can develop, not only professionally.
Do you have aspirations? Don’t be afraid to strive for them. Let’s reach for the stars not only in our dreams ?
Mothers, Sisters, Friends… let’s forget about stereotypes and labels attributed to women and do what we dream about with our heads up high ?
To be honest, the same rules may apply to MEN as well 🙂
So, let’s get down to planning:
Get rid of obstacles and focus on ambitious and real goals. Remember that to achieve any results you need time and when the bar is too high right from the start it can discourage us when the first failure comes our way. It’s better to take small steps rather than big leaps.
Plan small steps on the way to your goal to see progress and not to lose confidence or faith in success. Sometimes it’s worth to begin with creating the vision of your goal and plan the stages from start to finish, and identify any potential obstacles. It’s good to take the first step today. There’s no time to lose.
Measuring goals is an excellent motivational activity. If we want to lose weight, let’s control the weight once a week and record the results. If you are learning a foreign language, check new skills on the basis of regular tests.
Gather resources and learn how to make use of them. Everyone who comes our way can become our inspiration and support!
Change “I’m going to” for “I will”, and from here the way to success is really short!
Believe in our dreams and … write them down! We all have some vision of ourselves. We dream about our and our loved ones’ future… Can dreams be our goals?! When defined – of course they can.
How to achieve it?
- Make a plan and write down individual stages of its realization.
- Specify the steps we need take and the practical activities necessary to achieve the goal.
- Define activities for the coming year based on good models and habits.
- Create our “SELF” – the one who knows what it wants and what it wants to achieve.
- Get rid of our limitations.
- Get ready for changes!
And get down to work!!!
Write down the main areas you want to work on. Just a quick reminder as I’ve written about them before the New Year:
Health – I will eat healthier.
Relationships – I will take care of the relationship with my wife/husband.
Career – I will get promoted/ set new professional goals.
Appearance – I will look after my body/hair, I will lose/put on weight.
Habits – e.g. I will improve my sleep quality, I will only have healthy snacks in my bag.
Limitations – I will get rid of bad habits.
Personal development – I will sign up for extra courses.
I have been using these methods for years, I note them down in my calendar, check, look, compare and see what I’ve managed to accomplish. At the end of the year I briefly sum it all up.
And you know what?… Throughout the years I can see how I have evolved.
It builds confidence and makes me feel powerful!
That’s what motivates me!
And again, let me wish you a Happy New Year!
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