What Are We After and What For?
When I write posts for my blog it’s a breather and time to relax. A moment when I can calm down and switch off my inner rush. This time is for me to slow down, sit back in silence and be here and now. Nowadays I often come to realize how fast we all live. I’ve started to think why we are in a constant rush. We’re in a hurry to work, kindergarten, a meeting… We keep thinking about the things that still need to be done, what’s going to happen next, and we fall asleep with our heads full of ideas and thoughts about the duties of tomorrow. Sounds familiar?
Where is the here and now?
My husband always says: “Do today what you should do for tomorrow, and if you can’t, then just take it easy and do it tomorrow.” That’s why I organize and plan everything down to the smallest detail, everything must be perfect. That’s the life lesson sport has taught me.
Do you feel the same way?
I think it’s time to say stop and slow down a little. Do you agree? If yes, then try to find two hours a week just for yourself. Give yourself a present and make time for a book, a hot bath, a workout, a walk, a visit to the theatre or an evening out with your best friend. She also needs some time off everyday duties. Do something fun together, just for yourselves.
Some people may find it hard and I know it from my own experience because not long ago I couldn’t even imagine myself putting things off till tomorrow. I live at maximum high speed. That’s how I decided and I’m aware of the choices I’ve made.
However, when I go back to Munich I find peace and quiet although I also work from home here. I have learned it and I love it! This place is my safe haven where I can recover and relax. I close the door and I am HERE and NOW only for my family. I’ve learned it and I love it.
When was the last time you thought about something that you enjoy?
What sparks joy in you? What makes you smile, what do you dream about and what do you feel like doing?
How often do you listen to your inner voice? And how often do your duties keep it silent?
Think about yourself, weekend is a good time for regeneration and recharging your batteries, so do it! Be here and now only for yourself and your loved ones and put off the rush to a later time. We should never forget about ourselves.
And that’s what I wish you and myself.
My SWEETHEARTS, I wish you a nice day just for yourselves!
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