6 reasons why you should be active every day?
Why is it worth being active every day?
Do you know that according to research, about 41% of Poles train at least once a week? We also know that each of us has probably a different, personal motivation … … which is good 🙂
Remember, however, that regular training is not only a better butt in tight jeans, but undoubtedly a good butt is a big success :). It’s also a better frame of mind and more energy for action 🙂
Each of us knows that being aware of our attractiveness is building self-confidence and enormous satisfaction, then we are fighters! I wish you that, but …
Below are just a few reasons why you should train:
- More energy and vigor on a daily basis. Scientific research shows that the more physically active you are, the more energy you have. So if you feel that after work or school you are tired and sleepy, try to do some simple exercises.
- You prevent many diseases because properly selected physical activity reduces the risk of developing the most popular civilization diseases, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart failure, heart disease, obesity. In addition, you improve the performance of the immune system, and thus reduce the susceptibility to diseases.
- You improve your mood and effectively prevent depression. During physical activity increases the secretion of endorphins and serotonin. Endorphins are substances that relieve the sensation of pain and make you feel bliss. Serotonin, on the other hand, is responsible for the sense of contentment. In addition to the effects of hormones, exercise can also affect the mood, especially when training in a group.
- You are getting older slower:) According to research carried out by English scientists, people practicing sports are aging slowly. For all degenerations appearing at a later age, the reason is that we do not use our own body. According to research, regular trainers, when being older, lose less of their height, retain a younger appearance and have a more efficient respiratory and circulatory system.
- Better brain function and better concentration. According to research done by John J. Ratey, professor of psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School, physical activity has a very positive effect on our mood, vitality, speed of reaction and well-being. It should be practiced not for the body, but above all for our brain, because the exercises increase the circulation activation, which results in better oxygen delivery.
- Accelerated metabolism – faster weight loss. Faster burning of calories, for example faster fat burning and better absorption of nutrients. Any physical activity undoubtedly affects the change of body structure.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a minimum dose of moderate physical activity should last about 30 minutes – 5 times a week or 20 minutes – 3 times a week with high intensity (including strength training and endurance training).
Yes, dear! Only regularity will lead us to the goal. Even short, but regular exercises bring enormous benefits, because many hours of exercising in the gym once a month will guarantee you only overtraining, aching body, and thus discouragement and discontinuation of exercises for the next month.
These are just a few reasons why it is worth training, and you know well that the list is much longer. One thing is for sure: daily practice of physical exercise is the greatest good that you can do for your body and mind, of course in balance 🙂 It is also the biggest investment in yourself, both now and for the future. Let’s be active for HEALTH, and let it be a pleasure, not a torment!
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