HIIT Training
I think most of you have heard about interval training and some have probably done it. Do you know what its advantages and disadvantages are? When is it worth including it in your plan, and when is it better to avoid it? I hope that this post will clear it all up.
What is HIIT?
HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training (80-90% HRmax). This is a form of physical training in which short, very intense periods of activity are alternated with moderate-intensity exercise. The duration of high-intensity exercises ranges from several to several dozen seconds. The break time, i.e. moderate-intensity exercise, such as walking, should not let you fully rest before the next round. The next round should start when the heart rate has dropped to about 120-130 beats per minute.
The entire workout usually lasts from a few to twenty minutes. This type of training has been developed with athletes preparing for competitions in mind. However, many of its advantages made it popular also among amateur athletes.
Types of Interval Training
I think you will agree with me that tabata is the most famous form of interval training. If you want to know the details on this topic, see HERE.
Another form of interval training is interval running. In this case, the workout is much longer than the tabata. The time of exercise, rest and the entire training depends on the level and the needs of the athlete. As a beginner, you can start with 30 seconds of fast running interspersed with a minute of walking. These proportions may change with increasing efficiency, in favor of longer exercise at high intensity.
In both cases, you must not forget about proper warm-up and stretching after you have finished the training.
How often can you do interval training?
Regeneration between workouts is extremely important because you can only perform this training with the indicated intensity when you’re well-rested. Of course, the time spent on rest and muscle recovery is quite individual. Daily training of this type is not recommended. If you want to work out every day, interweave interval training with cardio training, stretching or strengthening training. Remember that days without training are necessary not only for muscle tissue, but also for the nervous system, which is heavily affected during HIIT training.
Advantages of HIIT anaerobic training
- Short duration.
- An oxygen debt is created, i.e. a deficit of oxygen needed by the muscles to oxidize lactic acid and the used ATP and phosphocreatine after intense exercise. This debt is paid off long after the effort, which results in the body’s greater need for energy and the reduction of unnecessary fat tissue. The results of research studies show that during HIIT training, about 25-30% more energy is used compared to cardio or strength training performed over the same period of time.
- The training does not cause loss of muscle tissue.
- Simplicity – you can make it at home without any additional equipment!
- Improvement in condition – regular interval training strengthens the cardiovascular system and leads to a lower resting heart rate, which has a positive effect on the physical condition and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
HIIT Training Is Not for Everyone
- Very high intensity is not recommended for beginners and people who are overweight or obese – then it is worth starting with calmer cardio training to prepare the body for a more difficult activity.
- People who are overweight or obese, have problems with physical condition, or arterial hypertension should not do this type of training.
- People after a heart attack should start training with more moderate exercise, e.g. walking or cycling.
- If you feel chest pain or have breathing problems during interval training, it’s a sign that you should take a break and modify your training. The time of active rest should be extended and the time of intensive work should be shortened. Of course, it is worth consulting a doctor in order to rule out potential health problems.
Programs with HIIT Workouts in the Diet & Training by Ann Application
I can proudly say that currently in my application you will find as many as 46 programs with interval training on various levels of advancement, they are often tabata workouts. You just need some time, space and will to train. The duration of the exercises and their type are adapted to the level of advancement.
You can find HIIT workouts e.g. in the following programs:
- TX7
- Fit Body
- Best Fat Burning
- Full Body Cardio
- JJ PunchHIIT
- Dojrzałe Spalanie
- Summer Power
- Mini Band Summer.
If you are interested in this topic and want to expand your knowledge of the types of physical training, click HERE.
- Bartlett JD., Close Gl.,MacLaren DP., Gregson W., Drust B., Morton JP. 2011. High-intensity interval running is perceived to be more enjoyable than moderate-intensity continuous exercise: implications for exercise adherence. J Sports Science 29,547-553.
- Falcone P.H., Tai Ch-Y, Carson L.R Joy J.M., Mosman M.M., McCann T.R., Crona K.P., Kim M.P., MoonCaloric J.R. Expenditure of aerobic, resistance, or combined high-intensity interval training using a hydraulic resistance system in healthy men. J Strength Cond Res. 2015 Mar;29(3):779-85.
- Wolański P. Wydolność fizyczna, skład ciała i stężenie wątrobowego czynnika wzrostu u mężczyzn po treningu crossfit oraz innych formach intensywnych treningów. Rozprawa doktorska wykonana w Katedrze Fizjologii i Biochemii Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu. Wrocław 2020: 43-44.
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