MSM is an abbrevation for Methylsulfonylmethane. An essential organosulfur compound is hidden behind this complicated name.
Each and every human cell is equipped with MSM. It is very important in amino acids, enzymes, antibodies and glutathione synthesis. Glutathione is an important antioxidant.
Apart from synthesis, MSM also:
- takes part in tendon, ligament and muscle bulding
- has serious impact on health and looks (skin, hair and nails)
- stimulates antibodies production
- takes part in gristle regeneration that takes place in joints
- accelerates carbohydrate metabolism
- speeds up healing
- prevents from tumors
- restores elasticity and permeability of cell membranes
MSM level decreases considerably with increasing age. It is highly recommended for athletes as it works miracles on joints and is also a painkiller. Apart from athletes, it is also good for people that suffer from allergies, asthma, joint disorders, atherosclerosis, migraines or fatigue. It works like an antiparasitic and antifungal drug.
MSM can be found in: sunflower seeds, garlic, onion, lentils, soy, yoghurt, fresh fruit, vegetables, seafood. High temperature and pressure reduce the amount of MSM in food.
Based on the book by Janusz Dabrowski “Naturalne skladniki w suplementach diety”.
foto: Adam Mruk
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