LINSEED – CHARACTERISTICS, recipes for an infusion and for crackers
Linseed is our national ‘super food’. I think we don’t appreciate it the way we should.
My mom would always tell me ‘drink linseed – it’s healthy’. Obviously – I wasn’t really listening to my mom’s advice when I was at school. Thus, I didn’t know how healthy it actually is.
Linseed has both nutritional and health values. They’re rich in dissolvable fiber which makes you feel full and removes toxins from our intestines. It also inhibits sugar excretation in the intestines so the bacteria have less food and don’t replicate so fast anymore. Linseed is an excellent probiotic for intestines rebuilding. If you experience any problems with your intestines or you feel uncomofortable after eating nuts or grains you should drink linseed – it’s best to apply a 3 week treatment.
Linseed contains lignans that are strong antioxidants and fight free radicals. Those are responsible for aging process and many different diseases. Lignans also have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.
Not enough? Ok, let me continue…
Linseed regulates the work of our hormones. I’ve read somewhere recently, that to avoid mood swings we should eat or drink a spoonful of linsedd everyday. It’s mostly recommended for women who already have a baby as a natural hormonal treatment. It also eliminates sleep disorders.
In her book ‘The Fat Flush Plan’ A. L. Gittelman states that taking linseed regularly prevents us from depression, water retention and strengthens nails and skin. It is usually used to fight obesity as it contains omega-3 fatty acids – they accelerate metabolism.
I need to add one more advantage – they’re cheap and easily accessible.
Linseed infusion – in case of stomach irritations
- cover a spoon of linseed with a glass of warm water and boil it (covered) for 15 minutes. Let it cool down, drain and drink 1/2 of a glass, twice a day.
For more serious problems – drink both the thick part and the infusion
- Don’t buy linseed that’s already been ground. It may lack the nutritional values as they oxidize easily. It’s better to grind them yourself, in a coffee grinder for example.
- If someone in your family doesn’t really find linseed tasty – you can add to oatmeal, bread or saladas.
Crackers recipe
- 1/4 of a glass of golden linseed
- 1/4 of a glass of brown linseed (in case you have just one kind – take 1/2 of a glass of it)
To neutralize phytic acid and to activate the nutrients – leave it in water with a spoon of apple vinegar overnight.
Add a teaspoon of himalayan salt in the morning. Mix both types of seeds. Form squares (about 1 cm thick) from the dough and put them on parchment paper. Put it in the oven for 4 hours, in 50 degrees and then for another hour in 100 degrees, so they are crispy.
Keep them in a tightly closed container.
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