THE ROAD TO HEALTH: How to Eat for More Energy?
We all need energy to perform our daily activities. It is worth finding out what to include in your diet to support the functioning of the body. The most important factor is of course getting enough sleep, but today as part of the “Road to Health. Do you know that…?” series I’d like to share with you some dietary tips that may prove effective ?
Our job and family consume most of our time and we often forget about getting enough sleep. We seldom go to bed before midnight to catch up on all the most important stuff that we have to do. As a result, a proper amount of sleep doesn’t make it to the list of our priorities. We sleep 4-5 hours a day and forget about the negative impact it has on our health. After all, regeneration and healthy sleep are essential if you want to have enough energy throughout the day (I wrote about methods to improve the quality of sleep HERE). Fortunately, there are some tricks that I have tried and tested which you can use to boost your energy levels. And yes, you are right, the secret is a proper diet ? It is especially important now when autumn is here again. It is a very difficult time of the year for many of us and puts a lot of strain on our bodies. If you are in this group, you definitely should read the post below ?
First of all, we must remember that…
A low-calorie meal that is too small may not provide enough energy for the day. Our diet and its calorific value should be adapted to the needs of our body. Adequate nutritional value is essential for our everyday functioning.
Also, do not forget about the glycemic index of the products. If we want a meal to provide us with energy for longer, we should choose products that are characterized by a low glycemic index.
What is the best way to start the day? Breakfast is essential, so take care of the basics!
Make sure your breakfast includes products that provide proteins, such as eggs or fish (eg. salmon or tuna). A well-balanced breakfast should also include healthy fats such as avocado, nuts or coconut oil (HERE). You should also add some complex carbohydrates to keep yourself full for longer and avoid hunger pangs. Oatmeal is perfect for this purpose (HERE), as well as coarse groats and dark wholemeal bread.
I have been an avid fan of porridge for years ?
Oatmeal provides your body with fiber, mainly beta-glucan, which has prebiotic properties. It slows down the process of sugar absorption, preventing obesity and strengthens the immune system. Oatmeal is also a good source of B vitamins, phosphorus and potassium, as well as magnesium, which protects us against fatigue. It is also worth adding a tablespoon of natural honey or a handful of fruit (fresh or dried) to the porridge. This amount of carbohydrates is bound to wake up even the biggest sleepyhead. You can also replace oatmeal with millet, which is gluten-free and is rich in iron, copper and B vitamins. Plus, it’s easy to digest and really delicious!
What should you eat in the afternoon?
Your brain needs glucose to function properly. We want an energy boost at lunchtime, but we don’t want to feel heavy. I always regain my strength after eating lean meats, such as poultry with coarse groats or brown rice. Such a dish tastes great with a salad made from my favorite sour pickles (you can read more about them HERE) ? And don’t forget about spices (HERE)! Chili pepper, garlic, cinnamon and ginger warm up, stimulate metabolism and give an energy boost. Rosemary improves circulation, fights fatigue and enhances concentration.
And at the end of the day…
For me a solution which always works is lean fish with vegetables. Fish is a source of protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that have a positive effect on our heart and brain. For me, fish tastes best with broccoli and spinach. These vegetables contain quite a lot of iron, the deficiency of which may be one of the main causes of chronic fatigue.
What should we drink?
Fatigue and drowsiness can be caused by dehydration. Consuming the right amount of mineral water (about 2 liters a day) will solve this problem and additionally stimulate your metabolism. You can add a lemon slice, some ginger and a few mint leaves for that fresh summer flavor. Instead of mineral water, you can also have coconut water, which is rich in valuable electrolytes, especially magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, and phosphorus. If you want to be sure your body gets adequate hydration, coconut water is the right solution. ?
What else should you remember?
Avoid highly processed foods which only cause a momentary boost of energy. However, soon after consuming them, we usually feel sluggish and sleepy.
Remember about physical activity. Move a lot and you will see how it boosts your energy on an everyday basis. You will never run out of power and motivation when you stay active! ?
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