Rest – A Fixed Part of Your Day
Do you have the feeling that time is constantly accelerating? While technology and science are moving forward, and there are plenty of amenities available to help save time, we still lack it. I believe that good time management is the basis of work-life balance. Thanks to this, we can plan our activities in such a way that there is a place for everything: your work, sports, time spent with the family and… rest 🙂
What are the benefits of good planning?
First of all, we focus our attention on individual duties, as a result we perform them better and more efficiently. We stay calm because we know how much time we can spend doing a given thing and we fully devote ourselves to it.
Another advantage is that it is easier to achieve success. When we carry out our tasks step by step, we are getting closer and closer to our long-term goals. You can’t build everything overnight, but you can divide the process into smaller stages and gradually approach the finish line.
The last and probably the most important thing is less stress. We have too much of it every day. Good time management will allow you to have peace of mind and find the much needed time to rest. We cannot eliminate stress from our lives, sometimes it can even be necessary and motivating. However, we shouldn’t forget that when it accompanies us for a long time, it can become dangerous to our health.
Priorities – not everything at once
Writing down all tasks for a given day or month usually takes no trouble for anyone. But then reality comes in and it suddenly turns out that there is simply too much work and you have to choose. If you had to stay longer at work, then you would spend less time at home with your loved ones – unfortunately, this is inevitable.
Prioritizing may not be easy but it is necessary. Remember that priorities should be in line with your long-term goals, so that you can stay in harmony with yourself and live in balance. Sometimes you probably will not be able to complete a single task, but maybe it is not so important in the broad perspective of further plans and it is not worth getting frustrated about. I’ve learned that you can’t do everything and nobody is irreplaceable. Organizing your time well does not mean being perfect.
Me time
Women often succumb to pressure from others and are unable to refuse, ignoring their own needs, including the need to relax and rest. Remember that a happy person can convey good emotions and share them with others. Try to find a moment just for yourself every day: it can be a relaxing bath in the evening, a TV series, a book, or a phone call to your best friend. Everyone needs rest. It is worth planning such a moment for yourself in your schedule, thanks to which we have the feeling that it is simply a permanent part of the day.
To-do list – a necessity or a relic of the past?
I prefer planning, noting down and dividing tasks into smaller tasks. This allows me to have a constant view of where I am and where I am going. I cannot imagine everyday functioning without a task list.
I have been trying to “infect” you with a healthy lifestyle for years. In this aspect, planning turns out to be just as useful. Remember, time for exercise is not something you must look for, you just have to organize that time! The day will always be 24 hours long. If you have a problem finding at least several hours for training during the week, try this simple exercise.
Write down your daily activities over a few days, including the amount of time you spend doing them. Notes should be detailed and reflect the real situation. It may turn out that you spend a few hours a day on activities that are completely irrelevant, you can do them much faster or delegate this duty to another household member who has free time. The resulting amount of time may be just enough for exercise or cooking a healthy meal.
What’s next? Now you just need to put physical activity and the time you spend in the kitchen on your schedule. Make it a fixed point of the day. You will see that it will soon become just a habit that will stay with you. It is similar with the time for yourself, it is also worth adding to your schedule, because it is equally important. It can be said that rest is our duty, but a pleasant one. A book, a movie, a visit to a hairdresser, beautician, shopping – there are many forms of spending your free time and only you know what is best for you. Remember that training is important, but it must go hand in hand with recovery 🙂
It’s not always easy
I know many of you are masters of time-management. I can see it in your social media coverage: you combine being a parent with regular training, professional work, and you take part in my challenges. Sometimes it’s really hard to come up with a good plan of action, and I know that from my own experience. You have to delete something from the schedule, because life has arranged a different scenario or you just need to slow down and have a rest. After all, we all need a moment for ourselves, so it is worth treating it as one of the obligatory points of the day! 🙂
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