Acai Berries
Today I will try to encourage you to enrich your diet with acai berry.
This is another gift of nature, which for sure will support you in your fight for a healthy and beautiful body. These fruits are apprecited in South America since the nineteenth century and used in many ways. Europe, however, got to know them relatively recently. They look like grapes, though they are much smaller and darker. The taste is similar to the usual berries with delicate hints of chocolate … it sounds like fun right?
In addition to the pleasures of it taste, they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, but it’s only some of their advantages. In their composition we find B vitamins, vitamin C, β-carotene and vitamin E. we can also find quercetin which is anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory, and the presence of lutein and zeaxanthin, protects the body against oxidative stress and regulates the levels of LDL cholesterol.
The Acai berries are also full of potassium, copper, zinc and calcium. At the same time, due to the high content of ellagic acid, antibacterial activity and they help to lower blood pressure. These fruits are also rich in fiber supporting the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
What more?
Consuming acai berry can help to inhibit the aging process and the development of cancer cells through antioxidants. The presence of quercetin is very helpful in the fight against allergies and inflammation, and anthocyan lower cholesterol and protect the body against oxidative stress.
The long list of benefits of these fruits also have to add support for the correct operation of the heart through a wealth of fatty acids, and natural protection against atherosclerosis and other diseases of the circulatory system. Acai berries are also supported in the fight against obesity. Consuming them results in the long satiety, and contained in one fiber speeds up the metabolism and digestion.
In the countries of South America they are used for making pickles or salted preserves. In some regions of Brazil acai berries are served sweet with honey, sugar or granola. Pulp of acai berry is often used to manufacture ice cream or drinks.
Did I convince you to try out this treasure of Amazonian forests?
Unfortunately, in Poland acai fruit can be found only in processed form, because due to the rapid loss of freshness medicinal values they are not suitable for long-range transport. Fortunately, in health food stores you can find different products containing extracts from acai berries. The few disadvantages of these fruits may include a higher calorific value than other fruits (80kcal / 100gr). After consuming too much of acai you can feel unpleasant gastrointestinal, therefore, as always i recommend moderation.
My suggestion for dessert, which not only tastes delicious but also looks sensational 🙂
You only need a few ingredients.
Mix the Coconut milk with acai and honey. Place it in the halves of coconut and garnish with fruits. Let it cool in the fridge for an hour. Enjoy … :)))) Ps how to open a coconut? INSTRUCTIONS ….; P
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