Asparagus and fig salad with green sauce!
Asparagus season is in full bloom. Today I want to show You a recipe for a tasty and healthy green veggies salad. It is an ideal solution for people striving to lose excess weight. This salad makes great breakfast but also light lunch at work or even dinner. Green vegetables will provide us with a fair amount of folic acid, magnesium or vitamin C. Green vegetables are also rich in chlorophyll which is a strong antioxidant.
I washed the asparagus, snapped off woody ends and boiled for about 8 minutes in slightly salted water (it’s best not to overcook them). I put washed spinach on a plate (dried with kitchen towels) and when asparagus was ready I moved it onto the plate. I washed the figs, melted coconut oil in a pan and slightly warmed up the fruit.
I mixed all ingredients until smooth and added some pine nuts at the end. You can also opt for pumpkin or sunflower seeds.
The salad can be served with avocado.
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