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I am glad that I can be part a of the Organization such as the Special Olympics. I am proud...
Probably permanent observers of my blog have already noticed what products I like the most :), among other things, I love our Polish vegetables, especially the root ones.I constantly recommend them to athletes as a source of carbohydrates.
Im not sure if you need some special invitation to prepare this dish.
Another dose of motivation so that you wont forget about your goals!
As every year before Christmas I start to miss the snow crunching under my foot and the search for shelter from absolute cold while im wrapped in a scarf, hat and thick mittens.
Obese people who want to bring their body into the desired shape and weight, usually want to get the goal very fast ... too fast.
Today spontaneous mousse '' I have at home only a pumpkin and one banana'' :) but in my kitchen there is always coconut milk and spices, so let's start.
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