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Today breakfast with chia seeds (you can replace them with linseed) and a banana. The banana supplies us with vitamins and minerals (potassium!), but unfortunately, it also has a high GI, so diabetics should avoid it.
Recently I experienced a very short but intensive Italian holiday in … Warsaw.
I often experiment in the summer looking for smoothies that can quench my thirst and help get rid of water from my body. This time I composed a smoothie after which I felt great.
It was great! It’s amazing to meet so many wonderful and positive people in one place at the same time! What a pity it’s over now.
Close your eyes and see yourself in 5, 10, 20 years and more. Perhaps you’ve tried it already and have been wondering how …
Cardio Karate DVD!
I’m still playing with millet. For me it is best in sweet breakfasts. This time it was really sweet because of dates and honey :). You may add some sour seasonal fruit to make it less sweet.
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