Chocolate Lava Cupcake ;) – I Like It!
These several words are enough: today it’s paradise for chocolate lovers.
Let’s be frank: who doesn’t like sweets? I’ve talked about my weakness for them, and especially for chocolate, hundreds of times. But we have to remember that dark chocolate is the healthiest. Avoid those varieties that have less than 60-70% cocoa. The higher the cocoa content, the better. OK now, these cupcakes are really mouth-watering so let’s head to the kitchen – someone has to do them!
I melted the chocolate in a small saucepan (I left four pieces aside) with the clarified butter. I whipped the egg whites with baking soda and coconut sugar until stiff. Then I gently stirred it into the chocolate with one yolk. I greased the cupcake forms (e.g. ovenproof glass bakeware) with ghee or coconut oil. I put one piece of chocolate into each form and poured the dough in. I pre-heated the oven to 200 degrees and baked them for about 8 – 10 minutes. When ready, I took them out and left to cool. Next, I melted the coconut oil, mixed it with cocoa, decorated the cupcakes with it and sprinkled some desiccated coconut over them.
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