Christmas Reflection— the Value of Being Here & Now
For me, Christmas is a time to finally quiet the hustle and bustle of everyday life. My schedule, just like yours, is usually overloaded. I have to juggle work, projects, responsibilities and being a mother, a wife, a daughter and a friend. It’s a daily life full of challenges, which I like very much, but I’m also learning that it is sometimes necessary to stop. Christmas is the moment when I let myself slow down and fully focus on what’s most important: family, closeness and being together.
These are the moments when I remember how extraordinary mindfulness is. Mindfulness of what surrounds us, of the people we love, of small, warm gestures. This is a time when phone calls and plans for the future cease to be important, because the crucial thing is here and now: conversations at the holiday table, smiles of our loved ones and the flavor of dishes that create a festive atmosphere.
I encourage you all to try to be fully present this holiday season, both for your loved ones and for yourself. It is worth putting your phone aside, looking into the eyes of your loved ones, listening to their stories, smelling the Christmas tree and enjoying the taste of every dish. It is moments like these that have such great value, the simplest ones that create memories and remind you of what really matters in life.
I wish you a holiday full of warmth, rest, peace and joy. May this time bring you gratitude for what you have and remind you of the great power of being together.
Have a merry, magical Christmas! May this be a time you will remember for a long time – full of love, mindfulness and simple, true happiness. 🎄❤️
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