Coconut-Stuffed Pancakes
You know that I attach great importance to the quality of products that appear on my plate and those of my loved ones. I want the food to be both healthy and tasty. That is why you can find such products in the Foods by Ann offer.
As part of the ongoing Back to the Roots Challeng, I am sharing with you a whole range of recipes, and today it’s time for delicious pancakes with coconut paste. To prepare them, I used my brand products, so I can be sure that they are of really good quality, and at the same time, the dish will be simply delicious. Check it out!
I cooked the millet flakes in the coconut drink. In the meantime, I prepared the batter: I mixed warm water with oil and egg, stirring all the time, I added the pancake mix. I let the dough sit for 10 minutes. Then I fried the pancakes on a hot frying pan without adding any fat. I prepared the filling by blending cooked millet flakes with coconut paste. I put the filling on the pancakes and rolled them up, and on top I added the hazelnut-chocolate cream. I sprinkled the whole thing with coconut flakes.
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