Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, and Sugar-Free Banana Chocolate Cake!
I love healthy cakes 🙂 What about you? And what if I told that we’re gonna make a healthy chocolate cake? 🙂 I’m sure there will be many more than eager to try. Of course, we should enjoy them in moderation 🙂
What I did here was I took the traditional recipe and transformed it into – obviously – a healthy one which remains true to my nutritional philosophy. I eliminated gluten and dairy products, and added bananas, which are ideally suited for this type of cakes. The recipe is very simple and quick. You can serve this cake to your friends when they drop by on a Saturday afternoon or snack away on it with your family during a Sunday picnic :).
Banana Chocolate Cake
First, use a fork to mash the bananas in a small bowl. Next, place the rest of ingredients in a separate bowl, mix them, and add the banana you have just mashed. If you want to use chia seeds instead of an egg, then mix together 2 tablespoons of seeds with 4 tablespoons of hot water. When finished, place the dough in a small mold you have greased beforehand, and bake for around 40 minutes at 180°C.
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