EURO 2016!
It’s Sunday! Let’s get ourselves some active rest :)!
Stretching should be an integral part of EVERY workout session. And not only because it protects our muscles and allows them to bear the load without sustaining any injury along the way. As a matter of fact, stretching positively affects our psyche – when done properly, it can make you feel the energy flowing throughout the body. It just gives you a rush!
Today’s exercise might seem simple at first. But don’t let the appearances fool you. The key is precision and care you have to muster while doing this exercise. You’re standing with your legs apart and straight, your kneecaps pulled up, and toes pointing inward. Keep your back straight, without bending the spine downwards or forward. Pull your tailbone up. Let your outstretched arms be a straight line with the body. You focus on your breathing.
You can find the whole stretching workout on the 15/7 DVD.
To work!
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