For the dreams!
Dear Ladies,
I always say that … there’s a huge potential in us, women.
I always congratulate on the courage in the fight against adversities, stereotypes, and most of all, against one’s own weaknesses.
We all have our life roles to play and do our best to perform our duties well. We don’t want to let down those who count on us or to disappoint our closest ones.
We have a vision, our calling that gives meaning to our lives.
My role for many years has been to inspire and motivate others. I have been trying to lead a healthy lifestyle and “infect” others with it. I have been going in this one direction, taking small steps every day, and I made it! I could never have imagined myself receiving moving letters saying I have inspired someone and changed their life for the better.
I started training as a child and now, being an adult woman, I know that if I hadn’t had those dreams, I would have never got to the podium. The vision of being awarded with a medal was so strong that no fall on the matt could make me give up. Every defeat made me aware of the fact that I had to train more and fight till the end. I believe that only extraordinary determination and self-confidence can lead to extraordinary achievements.
It’s hard to achieve a goal and make dreams come true if you have a pessimistic outlook on the future. Try to be positive and find even the smallest light at the end of a tunnel that should lead you to a solution. Positive thinking uplifts you and has helped lots of people in achieving their dreams.
Hard work and determination let you achieve your goal but we should never forget about our dreams. That’s what sport has taught me. I have transferred the same determination, motivation, persistence from fighting on the mat into my everyday life.
Walt Disney used to say “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
According to him, the key to success was visualising the dream and thinking about it as a scenario that will surely happen.
How about this one?
Every woman has a vision.
Every woman has a dream.
Every woman has the power!
It’s wonderful to look at the “weaker sex” holding up her head and destroying all walls with her head up. Patience of an angel and strength of Hercules all in one! We accept defeat with humility, learn from our own mistakes and then fight and win with great power!
For the dreams!
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