How to get a firm bum?
The question that frequently comes back in the emails and comments – how to get a firm bum?
Therefore, today it will be about slim and firm butt and the possibility of training at home.
I note at the begining: exercise for only one part of muscles lead nowhere.
Choose general training and add exercises that are most important to you.
You will see the effects, but not right away! And only when you exercise regularly, remembering about breaks for regeneration.
Not everyone was gifted with round bumm by nature. But practice can work miracles :).
If you really care for firming the buttocks add to each workout squats. A properly executed squat has many benefits. It launches not only all the muscles of the buttocks. In this exercise you also work your legs and abdomen. The whole body benefits;)
Accept the rules in this exercise:
- place feet at hip width
- perform the squat with a straight back -chest up the front and pull the shoulder blades together
- do not allow the extraction of the knee beyond the toes line
- in position when you’re “on the bottom” between the thigh and the lower thigh should be the angle, and knee should be just above the ankle
Squats tend to be boring, and the effort required to implement them does not help to love them. So let’s spice up this element of training. You can stay in the “lower level” for a longer time and push,which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the exercise. You can perform squats with a barbell or dumbbells. You can glide down to add the work of such arms. Pulling them sideways.
Remember about the tensioning in your buttocks during the exercise.
If you will add the squat into everyday practice try to increase the number of repetitions.
People who have trouble with knees should consult this type of exercise with doctor.
Even during pregnancy we can perform this exercise 🙂 (6-7 month of pregnancy).
Exercises that you can include in the training home:
- Squats – developing thigh muscles, but also the muscles of the buttocks. Simply firmly tighten the buttocks when you return to the extension legs stage
- Lunges – strengthening the buttocks and thighs. Please exercise with caution in case of problems with knees. Better perform back lunges not to burden the knee.
- Sideways lunges – engaging the muscles of the buttocks – it is a great exercise for pregnant women.
- Raise the hips, lying on your back – exercise involves gluteal muscles and sciatic-shin (back of thigh). I urge you to exercise with weight, ex. place a plate on the hips.
- Lifting the leg with support – typical exercise for the buttocks. You can do them in a supported position on the forearms.
- Raise the legs to the side of the support and with a kick. I really like this exercise because in combination with the above exercise it can really make my buttocks tired;). In addition, here we strengthen the inner thighs. I would recommend it for beginners.
- Sumo position Stand with feet apart pointing outward, knees bent – perform a pulsating downward movement. Little warning 🙂 a strong exercise involving the muscles of the buttocks, adductor or inner thighs and the biceps femoris.
I recommend yoga, which improves muscle tone and flexibility of the whole body. A definite plus for our buttocks.
As part of a cardio workout also you can do exercises to strengthen the buttocks and thighs, for example. Jogging, spinning etc.
Strongly engaging buttocks, legs, stomach and back. But it is important for the proper performance of its exercise: a straight silhouette, tight stomach and movement as we are climbing stairs. Burning calories depending on the pace, approx. 250 kcal / 30 minutes.
Let’s do it!
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