I wrote many times on my blog and in my book: there is no one good diet for everybody. Surely we all should avoid highly processed foods, colourful, sweetened drinks, and eat properly composed meals etc.
Among us there are the lucky ones who feel a lot better after introducing a healthy diet, they feel burst of energy and their weight is easily controlled. However, there are people who are disappointed saying: ‘It cost me much effort to stick to a healthy diet, I started exercising regularly, but I’m still having headaches / I feel tired / I can’t lose weight etc. How come?’
The reason behind it might be delayed allergies – food intolerance. Each of us has different metabolism. We have different genotypes and phenotypes, different environmental determinants. Every organism differently processes this huge mixture of chemical compounds, that is food.
It happens that processing some substances is difficult for the body. Sometimes it sends us signals right away that some product is harmful – then we talk about allergy. Immunoglobulin IgE is responsible for allergic reactions.
Unfortunately, more often we have to deal with consequences of food intolerance (called delayed allergies). The reaction to the product that is not tolerated by your organism appears not at once. It may happen even after 80 hours from the time of consumption. Sometimes we do not notice it, or we assign the reaction to other causes than immunoglobulin IgG. Headache? Perhaps from lack of sleep! The consequences may be serious. Undiagnosed food intolerance may cause that being unaware we supply our body with harmful substances every day. In effect, intestinal diseases appear, which also go away unnoticed, but they may cause a range of other diseases; also autoimmune diseases may appear.
Why is it important to avoid gluten and dairy products from animals, which I often emphasize? Because they are substances which are often revealed in tests for food intolerance. I wrote about cow’s milk and gluten. Not everything is for people, really.
There are tests that can solve many health problems. I’m writing this from my own experience. I had problems of various types, some of them really serious. I went to doctors, I experimented with diets. But it was the test determining my metabolic code that produced notable effects. I applied the recommended elimination diet e.g. I resigned from eggs as well as some nuts, grains and vegetables. I complemented deficiencies of minerals with supplements. Using probiotics and prebiotics I rebuilt intestinal bacterial flora. After a few months when my tests were good at last, I started to get back to normal diet, watching my body’s reactions. Listen, it’s possible. I’m happy because I was so tired with my problems and simply angry. But now it’s OK.
I didn’t mean to scare you. I want to point out the possibilities of eliminating threats. The number of emails I got from people suffering from autoimmune diseases was beyond all my expectations. It’s really another huge problem of our civilization. It’s worth resisting it. Tests called the metabolic code are becoming more and more popular. And that’s good.
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