Lunch Chicken Salad
Did you know that meal planning helps you to make better nutritional choices? Products or even complete dishes prepared beforehand reduce the risk of reaching for highly processed snacks and thus help not only to maintain healthy body weight, but also to feel better. Therefore, as part of the ongoing Back to the Roots Challenge, I have prepared various ideas for breakfast, lunch, and snacks that you can use when planning your healthy menu!
Today I am sharing an idea for a quick lunch for work, which is a salad with chicken and a whole lot of vegetables – zucchini, carrots and peppers! Delicious.
I preheated the oven to 200 °C. I cut the meat into cubes, sliced the carrot and the zucchini, and cut the onion and the pepper into strips. I mixed the meat with vegetables, melted fat, and spices. I put the whole thing into an ovenproof dish and baked for about 20 minutes. I let it all cool, then mixed the vegetables and chicken with arugula, sun-dried tomatoes cut into strips, and sprinkled with chopped parsley. You can also top it off with pumpkin or sunflower seeds 🙂 Ready!
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