I’ve been testing Magnesium 300+ for quite some time now and I can honestly say – it really is working.
I recommend it – fair and square. Magnesium with B vitamins is essential for those who want to keep their good shape. Were you aware that people in Poland have considerable vitamin B deficiency?
Correct energy metabolism depends on vitamins B1, B8 and B2 – thus our training is more efficient.
Vitamins B12 and B6 are involved in the process of oxygen transportation – from lungs to other organs and cells. Thanks to that process our organisms are more efficient, less fatigue and ready for physical effort.
Vitamin B2 protects our cells from oxidative stress. The same protection is also provided by selen and vitamin E.
Vitamins B3 and B8 contritbute to our good looks as they affect the health and looks of our skin. I guess that’s particularly important as summer is just around the corner 🙂
That’s why I’m a fan of Magnesium 300+ – it’s formula consists of magnesium, vitamins B, vitamin E and selen.
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