
THE ROAD TO HEALTH: Morning Hyper-Efficiency. Jakub B. Bączek

It’s time for another post by our expert – Jakub B. Bączek from the series: The Road to Health. Do you know that …?

We all are aware that we are going to die. However, sometimes we behave as if it didn’t apply to us. We want to be better parents but… we do nothing to achieve it. We want to be happy and get stuck in a company where the boss keeps humiliating us. We want to be healthier and think not having enough time is a good excuse.

According to Statistics Poland the average lifespan in our country amounts to 78 years. Do you want to know when the best day to start a positive change in your life is? It was yesterday! And the second best? Today! The third best? Tomorrow morning!


The rule is simple. I want you to take part in an experiment which could change your life for the better. I’ll start with the hardest part but later it’s going to be really easy.

Set the alarm clock on your phone one hour earlier than usual. I will explain why and how in a moment, but for now make sure that you put the alarm clock (you probably have it on your phone) at least 2 meters from the bed. That way, I’ll be sure you do get up when it rings.

When you get up, you have an hour free! I have 3 good ideas on how to use it to the fullest, and then I’m going to follow up with some inspirations that can really improve the quality of your life!



The first thing is: put on your headphones and play your favorite music, preferably one that is full of positive energy. Right after getting up. The sound will stimulate your brain and hormones which will in turn help you shake off that tired feeling. Thanks to the headphones, you do not disturb anyone. And you will see that music elevates your morning routine of taking a shower, getting dressed and preparing coffee to a completely different level of a hyper-efficient morning!

Secondly, take a pen and a piece of paper. Sit where there is sunlight, and if it is before 6:00 am, find a place where you can turn on the light without disturbing your flatmates. With or without music in your ears, you only have one task ahead of you. No social media, no Wi-Fi, just one thing. And the task is: write down what would make you feel happier in your life. Please be honest.

Thirdly: now you probably have about 30 minutes left. Spend this time doing something meaningful! All you have to do is choose one happiness-increasing item from your list that you want to start doing as soon as possible. Once you have it, use your imagination (and the caffeine in your blood which has given you a positive boost by now), define the first step, and then… do it!





Each of us is different and we all need different stimuli in life to feel happy. However, a few of them are quite universal for all of us. Take a look at the list of ideas below and… just read them. I believe the ones that are meant to be instilled in your memory will automatically stay there until your hyper-efficient morning. And I do hope it’s… tomorrow!


  • Relations make me happy! So I decide to strengthen my relationship with XYZ. I’ll start by writing to XYZ why he/she is important to me. Relationships matter!


  • Moving makes me happy! So I’m going to join the next challenge by Ann or buy a membership to that dance, gym, or yoga class. I have to make things happen!


  • Sex makes me happy! I will boldly offer my partner to experiment with something new in the bedroom this evening. We can both think about it all day long, and in the evening… enjoy the moment!


  • Laughing makes me happy! Today I have a good comedy in my plans for the evening! Make it as important as your job. Laughter is good for health so tonight we’re going to have fun!


  • Relaxation makes me happy! I am going to do the Schultz Autogenic Training in the morning or tonight to relax! Where can I find it? It’s for free on YouTube.


Only one morning. Only one hour. Have a go! If you tell me you don’t have time to devote an hour to your own happiness, then my answer is that you… have no life!

What if you find an idea for a higher quality of life during this hyper-efficient morning hour when no intrusive Facebook notifications distract you from what really matters?




Is it worth it? Damn, it is! After all, this is your only life! Even if it sounds cliche… it is reasonable to change something to make it even better.

What do you say? Are we getting up earlier tomorrow? What time do you set your alarm clock for? ?

Jakub B. Bączek

A dreamer who wishes all Poles a higher quality of life and a higher income. He has been the mental trainer of over 30 Olympians and world champions. He was also responsible for the mental preparation of 11 national teams in total. Creator of the Mental Trainer Academy.

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