Steamed trout
We do not have to make a lot of effort in order to eat one of the healthiest fish :).
Trout, the fish in question, is easily available and sold in Poland for the whole year. Trout’s meat is exceptionally valued because it is rich in Omega-3 acids.
Meet my trout recommendation for today 😉
I washed and cleaned the trout, and next cut off fish tails and heads. I rubbed the fish with pressed garlic and lemon juice. Then I added spices and put parsley inside the fish. I left it for 30 minutes.
Dealing with vegetables remember to wash them thoroughly before. In order to get rid of pesticides and preservatives, it is best to soak vegetables in baking soda, apple vinegar or alkaline powder with warm water. “Oil pesticides are not visible with a naked eye, nor they are perceptible on the surface of vegetables or fruit to the touch. These substances can be noticed when they are dissolved in alkaline water, because the process of hydrolysis takes place in such conditions.”
I put cleaned vegetables and prepared earlier fish in the steamer. In my case it was Thermomix, preparing time – 18 minutes.
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