Reduction diet part II
Not so long ago i wrote about the redution diet HERE and I’m glad that the topic appealed to many of you 🙂 Today, I would like to add some more information about the benefits of using the described diet. If we have a lot of kilograms to drop, then with time our motivation to stick to the planned rules may fall. (How to stay motivated – HERE)
Often this happens when the body gets used to a new way of eating and a reduced number of calories. This leads to a slower metabolism and therefore no effects in losing kilograms. Cutting the caloric supply can hurt you, you’ll be tired and upset … and still hungry. This is not worth it! Although it sounds surprising for some people – you should start to eat more 🙂 You will re-metabolize and stimulate hormone levels, which will help you achieve your goal! In addition, the diet will not be so difficult to bear.
The weight went down like crazy and suddenly it stopped in place and although you follow the diet, there are no effects. During the reefed days, you notice better results than during the reduced caloric supply.
Wondering how it is possible? The hormones of hunger and satiety regulation are responsible for all of this.
Regulation of hunger and fullness is a very complicated process, which is influenced by many factors, including: motor signals from the gastrointestinal tract, biochemical signals (decreases in glucose concentration, free fatty acids and amino acids concentration), hormonal signals (insulin concentration, cholecystokinin , ghrelin, leptin and neuropeptide gamma) and sensory stimuli.
One of the main reasons behind the hunger feeling is the gamma neuropeptide, produced in the hypothalamus. The concentration of the gamma neuropeptide increases during the low calorie diet (especially if it is poorly selected). Ingestion of not enough number of calories will be associated with the release of the neuropeptide, and its high concentration will cause an unrestrained appetite for high-calorie products, for example products rich in fat and sugar.
How can we inhibit the secretion of gamma neuropeptide?
Leptin – a hormone of satiety comes to help us! Leptin is a hormone released from adipose tissue, which speaks about the energy reserves of our body. In short – the more body fat, the more leptin. In theory, people with excessive body mass, secrete large amounts of leptin, should feel greater satiety. Unfortunately, secretion of large amounts of leptin leads to leptin resistance, a condition in which the body can not read its concentration. This leads to a high concentration of gamma neuropeptide and consequently to a constant feeling of hunger . Low leptin levels lead to metabolic disorders and weight gain. Often, it is just low level of leptin that affects our diet.
What to do to stimulate and improve the work of leptin?
- Fast – longer or shorter fasts cause “wolf appetite” by increasing the amount of hunger hormone – gamma neuropeptide. Properly selected diet and regular meals increase the concentration of secreted leptin and inhibit the gamma neuropeptide
- Exercise – the loss of body fat will help you overcome the resistance that improves the functioning of this hormone
- Body composition – remember that low level of body fat will cause low leptin production
- Meal composition – Increase in glucose after a meal results in the secretion of leptin. So let’s remember that there is enough carbohydrates in the diet (these complex ones), especially when we are physically active.
- Everyday rest and sleep – Leptin concentration is highest between midnight and morning hours. Take care of rest and sleep, because sleeping less than 8 hours a day can lead to leptin secretion.
When planning a reduction diet, remember about the important elements:
- KALORIE – ile ich spożywać? (pisałam o tym w pierwszej części)
- BIAŁKA – podczas carbohydrate refeeding (ponownego odżywiania węglowodanami), poziom białek powinien pozostać relatywnie niezmienny, aby nie zaburzyć odpowiedzi leptyny
- WĘGLOWODANY – wprowadź do diety „carbohydrate refeed day” (ponowne odżywianie węglowodanami) i stosuj te o wysokim indeksie glikemicznym; ogranicz przyjmowanie tłuszczów do minimum; wykorzystaj 1-2 węglowodanowych „refeedowych” posiłków na dzień przez 2-3 dni i zwiększ spożycie kalorii o 25-40% przy każdym posiłku
- TŁUSZCZ – jeśli plan zakłada 2-3 refeedowe dni, spożycie tłuszczu powinno zamykać się w 20% dziennego spożycia kalorii
- CALORIES – how much to eat? (I wrote about it in the first part)
- PROTEIN – during carbohydrate refeeding (re-nutrition with carbohydrates), the protein level should remain relatively unchanged so as not to disturb the leptin response
- CARBOHYDRATES – enter into the diet “carbohydrate refeed day” and use those with a high glycemic index; limit fat intake to a minimum; use 1-2 carbohydrate “refeed” meals per day for 2-3 days and increase your calorie intake by 25-40% with each meal
- FAT – if the plan assumes 2-3 refeed days, fat intake should close within 20% of the daily calorie intake
- eat every 2-3 hours
Good luck 🙂
- Kelesidis T, Kelesidis I, Chou S, Mantzoros CS. Narrative Review: The Role of Leptin in Human Physiology: Emerging Clinical Applications. Annals of internal medicine. 2010;152(2):93-100.
- Zhang, Wei, Mark A Cline, and Elizabeth R Gilbert. “Hypothalamus-Adipose Tissue Crosstalk: Neuropeptide Y and the Regulation of Energy Metabolism. Nutrition & Metabolism 11 (2014): 27.
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