broad bean salad
You’ll have to hurry if you want to enjoy broad beans, because they soon will disappear :).
My family has always loved this particular type of beans and that’s probably why I have a weak spot for them. Today, we’ll make a salad and they star in it :).
Broad beans are legumes that are high in beneficial protein, but are known primarily for their high folic acid content. Moreover, they are rich in potassium, though contain very little sodium, and are a good source of phosphorus. Soluble fiber, which broad beans can provide our body with, regulates the cholesterol level and has a role to play in lowering the blood pressure. Broad beans’ only imperfection is that they have quite a high glycemic index. Nonetheless, they are still recommended to those struggling with being overweight.
Interestingly enough, broad beans and other legumes have been labeled as plants causing bloating and bowel problems. You can easily avoid these inconveniences by using appropriate spices, such as cumin, fennel, or marjoram. Reportedly, another thing that helps is soaking the broad beans before cooking and then replacing the water with fresh one at the end of soaking.
And now let’s get you through the salad-making process.
First, boil and drain the broad beans. Next, chop both the chili pepper and dill finely, and then press the garlic through a garlic press.
Afterwards, add the lemon juice, chili, garlic, and pepper to ⅓ of a cup filled with olive oil. Now pour the mixture you have prepared over the broad beans, and finally sprinkle it all with dill.
Yum-yum 🙂
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