

I thought the topic had been exhausted long ago…

Yesterday, without second thoughts and also influenced by Zosia Z, I spontaneously said what I think about it. And the feedback has been amazing. What does it mean? To my mind, there’s one answer here. The topic of self-acceptance always comes back. Even if some of you, after long or short work on yourself, managed to cope in this field, then due to the endless pressure that surrounds us from all sides, more and more people experience lack of self-esteem.


Be yourself

This is the reason why I decided to take the topic seriously, using my profile and the potential it has to reach different people who can’t look at themselves in the mirror with consideration, with love, pride, and understanding (please do not confuse this with SELF-INDULGENCE – I’ll come back to that); as well as those who compare themselves to unattainable ideals (pseudo-natural ones), who only see imperfections instead of their strengths.

The truth is that even the most beautiful top models have some complexes. What’s more, I know such people, and you probably too, who suffer from some kind of never-ending need for perfection and end up constantly correcting their bodies with plastic surgeries. Let me now ask the question: WHO TO TRUST, WHAT TO BELIEVE AND ARE THERE STILL ROLE MODELS IN THE WORLD, who can convey in a natural and COHERENT (!) way that the attractiveness of a woman / man is not based on their appearance.

I can assure you they exist! However, social media and promoting quick fixes will not help us with self-acceptance. The reason is: THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS. The road to self-acceptance is often winding and difficult, but it is the only one that will show us WHAT WE WANT TO BE AND NOT WHAT WE SHOULD BE just because that’s what is expected of us. How do I know that? Until recently … I used to follow that path, imposing pressure on myself. Today I know that it is physical effort that allows me to understand my needs. It is important to really listen to yourself. We will not find it out by PRETENDING that everything is OK.


What counts

That’s it for now. I think it’s crucial to take time and think what’s truly important in your life! Try to approach this post with your own conclusions. I’d love to find out what you think.

The road to your goal is a different subject, but we will come back to it some other time.


Your Ann


Listen… there are more and more of you here, and we’ve created a VALUED community. Common challenges integrate us at an unprecedented pace. Why don’t we do something fun and useful together. Each of us could make another person feel how important he or she is to the world every day! Let’s do good together on a regular basis 🙂


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