Seasonal vegetables and fruits
Summer is approaching fast, and the sun rays finally peek into our windows for the whole day. Beautiful weather makes us get a lot more strength and the desire to get up from the beds. Let’s use the warm months and catch the benefits.
Always at this time I enjoy easier access to fresh vegetables and fruits, which are on the shelves on all the markets..
Various colors inspire you to cook and experiment with new recipes.
As you know, I am a fan of seasonal vegetables and fruits and during their time I try to “exploit”it to the limit 🙂 Seasonal vegetables and fruits are much healthier because they do not have to be stuffed with preservatives to survive transports from distant countries. Many of the fruits and vegetables that go to our tables are torn off before they ripen and are sprayed with chemicals to survive long transport.
Seasonal delicacies come mostly from local farmers and thanks to that they have countless nutritional values and lower prices than imported products.
Pharmaceutical preparations, to supplement our diet with essential vitamins and nutrients, will never replace the natural sources of health.
Seasonal vegetables and fruits are not only tasty, but also rich in vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy, beautiful and well. Choose products that ripen naturally during the current season and in the climate zone where you are. It is very important to take care of the best diet for you.
Do not forget about the antioxidants contained in them that fight free radicals and thus slow down the aging process. They are the source of simple and complex sugars that provide us with energy. Fiber has a very beneficial effect on cholesterol levels and regulates digestive processes.
It is worth to familiarize yourself with the seasonality calendar and know what products to buy and when. I am lucky because i can buy my beloved beetroots all year long at the market from a local farmer, but almost all fruits and vegetables ripen naturally only a few months in a year. Now I can just pass by next to the basket with juicy strawberries, because I know that they will soon disappear from the shelves.
During this period I do not return from the shopping without:
- radishes
- sorrel
- spinach
- chives
- beetroot
- asparagus
- lettuce
- currant
- apricots
- rhubarb
- cherry
- gooseberry
- raspberries
On my blog you will find many recipes that will tell you how to use seasonal vegetables and fruits. Meanwhile, Im off to cook my favorite beet leaves 🙂
Check my diet –>www.dieta.hpba.pl
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