
I close my eyes and imagine I live in a world full of goodness, friendship and forgiveness. This is the vision of our real world and society that we should know and see every day in the streets, at work, out the window or at home… Kindness and love are not something unusual and yet I have to imagine the picture as it seems so unreal… like a fairytale.

Every day we hear about wars, hunger, poverty, and harm that the weaker ones must deal with. There’s so much evil all around us… We don’t need any more pain, tears, anger and harm. Enough.

There’s no justification for aggression and evil.

There are no excuses that could explain hate and humiliation.

Do you also ask yourselves the question how many more tragedies must happen? When are we going to open our eyes and see that the change begins with us?

We must categorically say:

  • STOP to all forms of hate!
  • STOP to hate speech!
  • STOP to all prejudices!
  • STOP to the harm done in the virtual world and in our relationships with others, in our homes and backyards.

From now on let’s try to have a firm attitude towards hate speech and TOGETHER do our best to eliminate it from our lives. We need to show that we won’t accept treating anyone badly.

Let’s talk about it TOGETHER out loud. We’ve come to the place where half measures and simplifications will not suffice. TOGETHER let’s say “ENOUGH” and may this call be as loud and explicit as never before.

Evil breeds evil, aggression generates aggression and hate brings about hate. The only way to overcome them is with the attitude of love, goodness, equality, acceptance and a positive message. Let’s hold our hands and be friends, not enemies. If we can’t be friends, let’s be neutral then, but never aggressive towards others. It doesn’t have to be a utopia, it all starts with us and I will keep saying it over and over again.  

We can only respond to hate speech with the speech of love.

We must support one another, show understanding for weakness and otherness.

Let’s make this world as beautiful as we can for our children, next generations, and for ourselves.

We start the change with ourselves, our deeds, attitudes and  words.

We want to believe in love and good intentions of every human being, so we should express them, too.

We must believe in the power of love and let’s hope that it will fix our world.  


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