Training to strengthen uterus after childbirth
Returning to physical activity after childbirth depends on whether it was natural a natural birth or whether it was a…
Returning to physical activity after childbirth depends on whether it was natural a natural birth or whether it was a caesarean section. In addition, your condition and well-being, as well as the progress of healing of the wounds, are decisive. After natural birth without complications, you can start training after six weeks, and after the caesarean section after 12. Remember, however, that these are norms accepted – in practice it is an individual matter. Very cautious and gradual implementation of the exercise can be beneficial to the mother, but only when she is healing well after the birth of the baby.
Be sure to consult your doctor and return to activity only if you get a green light!
It is worth slowly returning to physical activity even for a better mood, or to have a moment for yourself and slowly return to pre-pregnancy form.
- You will strengthen and model the abdominal muscles, provided that there is no dislocation of the simple muscle. If so, your belly needs much more time and work to return to its former form
- You will gain a lot of energy
- You will avoid postpartum depression
- You will improve the quality of sleep
- You will unload the stress
- You will soon return to form
- You will improve your mood
Dear Mom, today I will suggest you training to strengthen the uterine fundus after child birth.
Stand with your legs aligned with your hips, soft “knees. In hand, grab any object. With the exhale pull up one straight leg, pulling at the same time the muscle part of the lower abdomen along with the pelvis. With the exhale relax your muscles and at the same time hold the object – as in the picture. After 30 repetitions, change your leg. Try to keep your body straight.
Stand with your legs apart, straight back, shoulder blade pulled together. Keep any object in your hands – it will focus your attention on keeping the correct position. Make a light squat, pulling back your butt and carry weight to your heels. Try to keep your back straight up and your shoulders blades together. Return to the starting position with the exhaust. Pull up and INSIDE the lower abdominal muscles along with the pelvis (as if you tighten the muscles to stop the urine ). Do 30 repetitions.
Stand with legs apart. With the exhale pull up one upright leg and perform a lift to the side, pulling at the same time the muscle part of the lower abdomen along with the pelvis. Change your leg after 30 repetitions.
Stand with your leg on the width of your hips, bent you knees. Put your hands on your knees and perform the “cat pose”, rounding the spine, pulling up and down the abdominal muscles with the pelvis inwards and backward, return to the starting position and release the muscles with your exhalation.
While on you knees, Hold the opposite hand and leg to the straight line of the body. Head and eyes directed downwards, fingers toe raised. Try to stay in this position for about 3 seconds, then change the sides. Exercise very slowly, focusing on the breath.
With your hands support, move your buttocks and leg towards the heels. With the exhale, pull up the inner muscles of the lower abdomen with the pelvis (as if you tighten the muscle trying to stop the urine). Eyesight directed to the floor.
On your knees, supported with hands the shoulder width, while knees and feet are on the hips width, make a “cat pose “. Push your spine gently upward, rounding it in the chest, while moving the pelvis forward and head toward the sternum. Perform this action when exhale, return to the starting position when inhaling.
While sitting march on the buttocks front and back.
Raise the hips up in the support sideways on the forearm and on the leg bent in the knee joint. Keep the straight line of your body.
Position on your back, lift your legs bent in your knees, holding a 90 degree angle. Insert a pillow, ball or other similar object between the legs (as pictured) and squeeze it, engaging the pelvic floor muscles.
Raise the hips while laying on your back. Arms wide, perform the hips rise to the straight line of the body, buttocks tense, engage firmly pelvic muscles.
Photo by Marta Wojtal (june 2017 – 4 weeks after child birth).
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