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Free radical molecules are characterized by free, unpaired electrons. The most devastating are the free oxygen radicals, which tend to...
Pineapple is a sweet tropical fruit that enriches the taste of many dishes. It is also rich in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants. Contains very little calories (50kcal / 100g), removes water from the body and improves digestion!
Because there are still questions about principles of my HEALTHY LIFESTYLE, today I post a little reminder :)
When you become a mum, there is not much time to exercise and it is harder to find extra time.
I often write about intolerance and food allergies because I have struggled with it for years and I know how much you can get from eliminating products which do not serve us well.
Agnieszka, thank you very much for your metamorphosis!
Pregnancy is a beautiful period in which we carry a new life. We change our bad habits at this time and we try to think twice and for two.
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